Wanted to just log on and do a couple dungeons

wake up there. its only against the CoC if its the same account posting them. this should prove to you its not a bunch of alts of the same guy posting pro rdf posts. or do you not understand ip addresses and account security signatures?


Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

No where does it state that it has to be the same account

where do you think the lefist woke agenda has come from?


not wrong. this referrences anyone who creates a thread, then creates a thread referencing the first thread and so on. it has nothing to do with hundreds of players posting similar topics to express their feedback. however i did notice you skipped the next section when getting all rule book…

Spamming or Trolling

This category includes:

Excessively communicating the same phrase, similar phrases, or pure gibberish
Creating threads for the sole purpose of causing unrest on the forums
Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters
Making non-constructive posts
Abusing the Reported Post feature by sending false alarms or nonsensical messages
Numbering a thread, IBTL, TLDR, or any other fad statements

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

Be given a temporary or permanent ban from the forums, depending upon severity

and this being something you seem to be a fan of doing…

those who live in glass houses probably shouldnt throw stones.

but realizing you either cant or dont want to comprehend the situation… im done. peace out and have a great day.

And people like myself would be much much more likely to do dungeons if they could queue through RDF. I would actually level my healer if RDF existed. I would definitely do way more dungeons with RDF. As it stands I don’t even bother doing dungeons. The whole concept of the looking for group tool and using the lookingforgroup channel and typing out advertising. It is a complete waste of my time and energy to even play on my healer. I’ll just quest on my mage until RDF comes out.


And then these same people will complain when there’s no good healers at max

No. They don’t want those healers

Wasting time reading chat = good healing

No, but if someone is too lazy to spend 1-2 minutes on something I’m finding it really hard to believe they’re any good.

I’m all for RDF, but healers complaining about the tool are just lazy. It’s ezmode to get into a dungeon as a healer. They’re in high demand

Not in any content before LK.

Noncurrent content means no groups. That’s going to extend into LK normal dungeons too

My healer is my 3rd alt as it stands because I have no interest in shadow spec or questing on my disc priest. If I could click a button and enter a dungeon my priest would be my 1st alt most likely. I’d much rather quest than deal with their stupid lfg system though so I just won’t play my priest. Doesn’t matter if healers get groups faster I’d still have to sign up and advertise to play that character. No thanks.

The fact you say things like this makes your take on RDF much more clear. It’s all garbage all the way through.

Its really not that hard to get groups, on Skyfury I list my level 21 healer for stocks invited in 3 mins, I list my 55 healer for BRD invited in 2 minutes, I list my 80 tank for 10 mans invited in 2-3 minutes.

If you want to be leveling in groups then you need to be on the servers leveling is happening on, if your on a server that isnt fresh your basically there with people who mage boosted their alts (with friends or paid with gold) to 70 so for those servers the Alt bracket is 70-80 (ie wrath dungeons).

Example Faerlina players 15-50 players in the last week 202, Skyfury sub 50 players in the last week 4000 (20 times as many people in the low level brackets on skyfury)

Citation needed.

Or they could just add RDF so all players can do dungeons regardless of server population, faction balance, spec, availability, so on and so forth.

Getting into groups and doing content shouldn’t be a right time right place type of situation.


Or, you could take into account those things matter and if you disregard those things, people develop trash attitudes like yours.

Lol you’re being so overly dramatic about it. Nobody is seething here, I’m not on some super server either, yet I went out and made friends. I’m not selfish either, I rarely even roll on everything, I only got professions to make free stuff for guildies, all mats I get go in the gbank. How is it selfish to feel like people aren’t even trying to find groups? If I’m on a lower population server and I didn’t even start until 2 weeks before Wrath, yet am already doing all the raids 10 and 25 completely undergeared, with even some level 70 pieces still, without even barely trying to find a friend to begin with, all I’m saying is it is possible to bypass rdf. Arguing back and forth every day about something that the devs do not want in their game is what is selfish. Expecting a game company to make their game based on our demands is selfish, it’s their game. All this rdf arguing is a thousand times more selfish than I will ever be in my life even for a moment. Yet we’re the bad guys simply because we are realistic enough to see that it isn’t coming whether we want it or not. Would I like to see it, yeah it’s be more convenient for everyone. At the same time the game is completely playable without it. Like I see Benediction people saying they can’t find a single dungeon group, yet they also say they have a 247 hour que to get in the game. So if they still can’t find a group with that full of a server, I dunno what to tell them. I have lower level toons on other servers and it’s the same thing, people asking for people for their groups all day long, so who is really the problem here, people that get by without rdf, or people that can’t get in a dungeon group seemingly ever? Seems logical that the other side is greatly exaggerating the difficulty in finding a group. Plus getting mad that there’s not a lot of people on early in the morning? It’s always bee easier to find groups at night the entire time this game has been around. I’m not part of the problem just because I went out and made friends. If it’s that bad, find another server. Sitting here calling us the problem because Blizzard won’t implement something that’s just nonsense.

In what ways do those things matter?

Do players who play off peak just not deserve to play? Do levelers just never get to do dungeons? Do arms warriors just not deserve to play PVE? If your server has no one on it or is super imbalanced, just ‘too bad so sad you should have known?’

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Of course they deserve to play. Nothing prevents them from playing. The game is quite large. There are loads of things for them to do. Not everyone gets to do everything whenever they want. That’s the nature of a real MMO. They are virtual worlds. This has been explained to you dozens of times.

Things in the game take work to achieve. If you want to play arms, or a spec or class unneeded by a guild or party, you don’t get to do what they’re doing, as they don’t require the assistance of that spec or class. If you wish to play an arms warrior and that group has no need for it, it’s not their problem that you refuse to adapt to your situation. If you want to play at 3 AM, it’s not the players who play at 5 PM who are hurting from your refusal to adapt to other times. It’s not the problem of the game for your personal decisions.

The primary design legacy of wrath was bring they player not the class. I guess that’s not longer the case.

Also there is limitations. RDF doesn’t get you into raids, it doesn’t give you good gear, it simply lets players make progression at a reasonable pace doing easy content, the way it was in wrath.

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