Cite references for this 99% or you are just making up stats out of thin air. Which is what all you anti-RDF folks seem to be good at, making stuff up.
I guess you cannot do two things at once. It’s ok, I understand, some folks do not have the capacity to be playing the game and watch the forums at the same time.
Why would they be on the forums complaining while playing? People complain in /2 all day about many other things. Why would RDF be a forum specific gripe?
Almost like you’re a bunch of retail players who don’t actually play Classic.
Oh I don’t know…maybe because they want change. No change ever occurs by staying quiet and not complaining. It is how thing get changed in the first place.
My god are you really this obtuse of just playing the troll game.
Sure it is, I already had to explain to two others that there is many timezones around the world, its not 6am everywhere.
See this person understands
There is, get off your butt from the game go to drama school and work hard getting an audition and if you are any good, than hey presto.
Right solid advise there! *Facepalm
A huge server should be able to lol
Yup, the arguments are basically it works for me so it must be you problem, never ceases to amaze me, just like thinking there is only one time zone lol.
That tired argument is as wrong here as it is for people who have queues and are told the same.
That’s your personal opinion not fact.
When did they say that?
Then please leave! you are doing us all a favour.
No its way more than that, the shear amount of gold sellers will give you a judgement of how many there are, I hear there is heaps on NA realms, my little oce realm has hardly any.
Why wouldn’t they complain in the game? Why is any complaint about RDF near completely absent from the actual game?
It’s because you tourists just sit and whine on the forums. You don’t actually play.
God I hope a Blizz employee reads your comment, just to really send the point home that they can not cave an inch to you people, cause this stupid “cry til I get what I want” tantrum meta would be vindicated if they did.
Really, are you really that dense? In game chat is ephemeral, the developers and those that make decisions do not read it. The forums are the place to bring change. Complaining in game is useless and anyone with some level of intelligence knows this, hence anyone wanting RDF posts here.
You’re a 61 dk… plenty of time to reroll on a more populated server that better fits your hours. How is it so difficult to get the hint you need to solve your own problems? Also whats keeping you on a lower populated server or do dure rdf would resolve a levrling issue when over whelmingly the population is at endgame?
Wotlk over all doesn’t have the population retail has. Furthermore i disagree with tge anytime of day. Plenty of times over the years i sat endlessly in queue in the wee hours of morning. I’m calling bs on that one.
I dont want to be part of your realm. You make terrible life decisions. I waited to see what the servers were going to do before i rolled. If anything blizzard just needs to merge the dead servers.
There’s no one around on during pre LK leveling. There’s no one around on dead servers. There’s no one around on servers with bad balance. Make friends with who?
It’s the wrong phase for a whole laundry list of stuff that’s in the game right now soooo
Something something making friends something something community
I’m 64.
Leveling is slow and boring as hell.
My hours are essentially random.
Even if I personally rerolled and got 80 instantly, that doesn’t really address the problem at large does it. Levelers still can’t do dungeons. People on dead servers still can’t do dungeons. People on imbalanced severs still can’t do dungeons. People with subpar specs still can’t do dungeons.