Wanna hear someting funny?

Activision Blizzard has trolled this community for so long, that they are wanting to kill this games player base off.

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Stupid should be illegal.


didnt wana be the first to reply but yeah

Prove me wrong did not 1/3 of the player base leave just recently and every xpansion over half the players leave after them and their guilds get everything done in it.


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OP probably more right than wrong. There do seem to be some intention to shrink WoW. I suspect they want to re-do WoW into a BDO clone, but the old guard would be extremely toxic about the gambling rates.

No, thanks. I don’t hinge on the every word of neckbeard streamers and then come crying about it to forums like it’s fact. Enjoy your temporary delusion!


Where’s the funny


might have something to do with multiboxxing and organized sellers on this game plus the multiboxing in Battlegrounds do not help.

Blizzard is a business.
Businesses exist to make money.
Intentionally running off customers means less money.


I was told there would be funny, but all I got was cringe.


I demand a refund now


I don’t think they actually want to kill the game off. It’s just that every expansion after MoP was so badly designed and they continued to lose players. It’s more that there has been no incentive for the devs to make better content because they know they can serve up the same old grindy borrowed power garbage and still get paid. Blizzard management and the devs just don’t care enough to make a game that would bring back subscribers or at least retain the ones they have left.


Terribad trolling…

You need better material…


I’ll bite. You made the statement that Blizzard is ‘wanting to kill the game’s player base off’. The burden of proof is upon you.

Also it’s ‘something’. Try harder next time though, there are a few around here who might take you under their wing.


If you knew the secret you wouldn’t speak of it. Now I know you don’t know, nor did you ever know.

That’s not a secret. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I just wish cute races like Pandaren and Vulpera weren’t locked to this dying husk of a game.

Is is was because wardolls? Ther because it… you havent read does for the?

Come on we’re doesnt…

Op, you are experimental subject run that maze for that cheese.

Really don’t think that’s funny but people don’t have humor anymore.

They already did that in Shadowlands though. :drum: