Wanna hear someting funny?

I think it is pretty funny the way Activision blizzard keeps suckering the player base in with every expansion Just to let them down with wack end content.

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I mean… You’re only a sucker if you’re playing the game and you don’t like it.

I think it’s pretty sad that you are here letting us know you are a sucker, but you do you boo.

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Am I the only one here on this game or is this an activision bot making these post and topics ?

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Man can’t even handle the possibility of real people having different opinions.

You are the one here freely admitting that you are paying for a product you think is bad. Have some self-respect.

Doesn’t the US run on stupid?

The whole world is stupid. So, yes, we do indeed.

I am back for wrath on classic version not this thing they have created called shadowlands

Classic forums are → that way.

I feel like we are the expert at it though. :stuck_out_tongue:

They’ve had almost 18 years of learning from final patches should show a pattern of what players want.

:dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone:

Can’t speak for Bobby and the current dev team, they definitely have been antagonistic to the player base for the past 10 years or so.

But M$ definitely does not want to kill off the playerbase and Phil Spencer has talked about wanting to restore Blizzard to it’s prestige status in gaming and having been a fan since his 20’s. Pixar of game developers is what he likened original Blizzard too.

Still waiting to hear the something funny.

I assume it’s coming, right?

We really do need a “This post is too stupid to exist” option. Or a downvote button.

Or both.

Oh I would love that.

Me, too. I wouldn’t care if the downvote greyed out posts or not – which was the big complaint about it.

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:dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone: :dragon: :cyclone:


It would exacerbate the prison overcrowding problem but in the long term I think it would be worth it.

does anyone else blizard bad or am i the only one amirite?

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