Walk-Up Rp Openers

Well in character Mersea is an Emotional Support Druid so most likely she’d find the saddest looking person and try to cuddle as well as boop their nose.

I’ve been in the position where one my characters has been in the blues and Emotional Support characters are amazing. They’re the type of characters that can really turn something rather depressing into a revelation of sorts on how to tackle the problem. I definitely have respect for characters like that.

Something that can be helpful for fleshing out characters a lil bit and helping to grab people’s attention with walk ups, is just remembering that for several of the races Common/Orcish is a second, or even third language, which can lead to some fun little miscommunications and quirks!

A human saying “Pardon dwarf, which way to the Auction House?” is far different from a pandaren saying “Many apologies, beard lord! Are you knowing the selling house path?” The one gives you a flat response of directions, limiting your options for possible replies. The other, while almost the exact same in content and sentence structure, will cause a potential response to the odd racial title, the wording of the query and wanting to know more, OR guessing at what you meant, leading to a wider array of conversation options for both parties and more opportunities for RP to flourish. :slight_smile:


You had my attention at “beard lord”


You have to be careful with this too because some people do this so, so poorly. Then it becomes 1. a chore to want to RP with them and carry on or 2. just incredibly annoying very fast.

I often times cannot stand the amount of :goat: 's that talk like this or worse.

But that’s also just me. I’m a sour apple.

lol Oh I moreso meant miscommunications and such rather than the over the top accents. One time for example, someone told my recently arrived Draenei in BC that “A good beer’ll put hair on your chest!” So, he spent the next month CONVINCED that dwarves were NOT a seperate race, but just in fact human children that happened to be alcoholics. … Not too big of fans of him trying to pick them up to toss in the air or being offered candy. They didn’t mind the free brew, though! XD

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stares seriously for several seconds to cause unease, then smiles warmly squinting eyes in an adorable manner “hello, hows your day?”

Another classic one right there. Open friendliness to strangers.

“T’is a fine beard ye carry!”

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frantically takes notes I’m so bad at approaching people!! I usually whisper them compliments on their RP profile and then … wait… for them… to do something…

Ok I realize now why that has never worked for me

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Tis a fine beard you carry, sir!

I’m sure you’ll figure a way that works for you when it comes to approaching people. Definitely it’s stress at first, but once you got something that you enjoy and makes you confident, you’ll do great!


I approach everyone differently. For me to want to approach them, it has to be a character that even catches my attention to start with. Chances are, I’m less likely to approach someone who’s just “reading and enjoying the park” because that’s only going to go so far for conversation. So I also look for people who have more interesting “Currently…” going on. I gotta kinda feel like I’m not going to be forcing conversation after the initial greeting.

And forced conversations happens far too much with city walk ups.

Depending on my character, I’ll approach people differently.

If I’m on Norent, usually she’ll comment randomly on someone’s obvious attire, like “Nice hat” or “Like ya mount” or whatall.

Other characters its usually a hello, or I find some question to ask them.

After walking around SW for a good few DAYS, I finally whispered someone and they were like “oh cool let’s RP then” and I panicked and logged off.

/ sob


I’m a huge introvert. Trust me.

Trying to do walk-ups usually feels awkward and forced, but they end up well enough, so I guess its working. I just try to imitate an extrovert lol.

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I often look for suffering descriptive in their trp profile and comment on it.

Edit: I meant, something descriptive, but the auto-correct typo is so hilarious that I left it.

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Walk ups are so tough right now. Always self-conscious about my TRP profile and whatnot. Joined a few raid Gilly groups(not sure how to find rp otherwise) and just kinda hung out and observed. I really wanted to jump in, but wasn’t sure about the rules and all that.

There aren’t a whole lot of unwritten rules, they’re mostly common sense. Common examples are no god-modding(knowing information your character couldn’t know, being immune to damage, basically anything that might come across as ‘godlike’) or taking IC matters OOC.

I too suffer from being self-conscious about my TRP, but at a certain point you’re only defeating yourself. There are tons of great writers and story tellers around, you just have to take that leap of faith.

Being a guard has its perks, including easy walk-up options. I can pretty much approach anyone for any reason and it’s great.