Walk-Up Rp Openers

You see someone standing around and your first thought is you want to approach them for some walk-up rp. How do you approach them?


A nod, a wave, a “good morning/afternoon.” Ask 'em what they’re up to.

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Something open ended and light hearted usually works best. If it’s too short or only requires a simple response, they’ll just nod or give a curt reply and you’re left awkwardly grasping at straws. If, meanwhile, you approach with something a bit more open ended or have a follow up question planned, such as asking directions to a certain district, wanting to know where you might purchase a dwarf, or not so subtly trying to pickpocket them while asking for donations to repair the cathedral’s roof, you’re more likely to be memorable and cause illicit a response that leads to actual rp. Best of luck! :slight_smile:


Sometimes I’ll approach with a question my character may have. Similar to how in the real world, you might walk up to a stranger to ask directions somewhere or ask about what’s going on in the area that everyone is gathering for or what time something is happening.

More often, however, I’ll read their RP profile and see if there are any interesting hooks or things about them that conversation could naturally form around. Then approach and make a comment/ask a question about said thing and see where it goes.

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Accuse them of trying to rob me

I would /stare or /peer until something happened.

The classic right there. A friendly gesture with a question to follow afterwards.

This part really stood out to me since I remember some memories I used to have on my rogue. I remember once she couldn’t tell the difference between a cat and a cat druid and ended up selling a druid to someone. On top of that, she used to go to the Cathedral and ask for donations to help poor kids in Westfall. She’d then pocket the money for herself afterwards. Good times.

I definitely know that feeling sometimes. For me it’s mostly when fights happen since they tend to gather a crowd. Also in regards to the second part you mentioned, that can definitely lead to interesting rp. Sometimes you might spot something in someone’s trp and that can lead to more stuff down the line.


How -you- doin’?
Simple, sweet and to the point.

I’m sure that would end in something interesting. Probably get people to wonder what the commotion is all about.




Pull a obiwan “Hello there.” It always works for me

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I guess it’s a new thing at the weekly market? /shrug

All I’m thinking of now is Grievous saying “General Kenobi”.

lol Precisely my point. If you start off with something just a little off key, people can’t help but be curious and ask questions! Your chances of striking up an actual conversation are much higher with something like that than just asking where the Blue Recluse is, since their response is either going to be that they don’t know, or set directions, either of which only really leave you saying thanks and moving on.

Step on up beside someone and be all “Psst, wanna buy a CAT? Totally legal, I swear. Best you’ll find this side of Durotaur…” while clearly holding a dog on a leash, and someone is BOUND to want to know just what the heck you’re up to. XD

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Get real close and smell their hair


OMG, doing this on a Forsaken… Walk up to someone you only have met in passing and /sniff them, followed by a “Hrmm… you smell different when you’re awake…” and watch them slooooowly take a step back and freak out. XD


Depends on their TRP and what they’re doing. If they have something in their TRP “currently” that offers an opener, I’ll use that. If they’re standing in the park looking out over the harbor, I might stop nearby and comment on the view, or like, if their TRP says something like “looking around nervously” I might say something like “Someone after you? You look like a cat caught in the pantry,” or, “I find whiskey calms my nerves,” and offer them a drink.


Definitely an interesting way to go about it and a smart one at that. First glances I find are also a good way as well. Generally any information that one can gather without meta-gaming is generally a good way to start something.

Hook burbles pleasantly.

Aroianel burbles in confusion.



I’m not sure how Aroianel would take this situation. I think she’d just be confused as well.