Feel like this is untrue, It was a false flag operation. Pretending to be excited then pushed for terrible changes such as removing gear rewards from it. Then kept pushing for changes until we got what we do now.
They didn’t push for gear reward removal they just told Blizz Torments felt bad .
Blizz went no torments so we will punish you all instead with now gear rewards.
Blizz has a habit of being spiteful children when the player base tells them we don’t like something.
No flying : People protested and we got PF (which is fine if each part opened flying for the zones done in but a near 12 month gap between parts is spite)
We don’t like WF/TF ok we will give you something to really complain about we will call this gear corrupted.
I hope this floor-limit isn’t real - I was planning on spending most of my future time in SL in Torghast, seeing how high up the floors i could go - it’s totally something i’d be into , just like the 2 (lesser) versions of this kind of thing in ffxiv (those are fun, but Torghast is so much better done)
I am not aware of Torghast no longer being infinite, as far as I was aware it was locked to 18 for testing. Where are you seeing that Blizzard has confirmed that Torghast will no longer have an infinite mode outside of assumptions made by players?
I think it was the preach video. The way the guy talked about it made it sound like that is just the way it will be. Probably not his intention, but you know how people are.
Hmmm, I see. Because as far as I am aware its still planned to have an infinite mode. I believe there are some quests that take place in modes with caps to the floors but last I heard there is still a plan for an infinite mode.
My feeling is they created torghast as a one-size-fits-all solution. Devs love one size fits all solutions, even though they don’t usually work out well because the content can’t be tailored toward one goal without making the others poor.
Mandatory difficult content required to get the legendary you had to have, with top quality gear as a reward for difficult runs…
I can see this as a problem for multiple player demographics, from casuals who found that if they didn’t do difficult content there would be no content at all, to elite players who wanted to spam the heck out of those top floors to gear up fast.
Blame devs for trying to shoehorn incompatible goals into a single type of content.
Around here for about a minute from this point I think.
I don’t think it’s what he meant but I think a lot of people heard 18 floors and think that is just the way it’s going to be. I know I was a little concerned myself when he said it, but I shook that off and assumed he just meant that is the way it is in beta.