Never let a chance for rampant selfish corporate greed go to waste
This stupid backpack is a perfect example
Never let a chance for rampant selfish corporate greed go to waste
This stupid backpack is a perfect example
I don’t think it’s $400, but if you add the two accounts together and they both play a year for all the rewards (or is it 6 months?), you’re looking at roughly $90 to $180. To me, it’s insane to spend that much for a virtual backpack, but you know what they say about a fool and his money.
Stop using terms you if you do not know what they mean. If is not a pyramid scheme, it is an incentive program.
If you want the stuff go find some friends and invite them.
I know what they mean. People who recruit get a kickback of sub time, that alone makes it more or less a pyramid scheme. Just because you’re not getting paid real life money doesn’t make it NOT. Regardless, It’s a crappy program and is banned in other countries because of that.
Been playing since vanilla, buddy. Recruited TONS of people already. Got all the old recruit a friend mounts, etc.
I have the right to call this greedy skeezy tactic out all I want.