Waited over 12 minutes, 0 orders from Big Kinook

OK, I got to the cooking event a couple of minutes late but there were only about 15 people doing the event. I got 0 orders, standing right next to Kinook most of the time. I did return meat from 4 animals killed but I needed 5 for the quest. I can’t complete the quest with 0 orders. It’s not like there were a ton of people and lag was causing a problem. It’s not like I got an order that didn’t expire and I didn’t get the hat to click. It just sat there at “Get orders from Big Kinook” for over 12 minutes. It can’t possibly have changed so you have to be waiting for the event to start to get credit, right? Right?

You’ll want to edit this post by clicking on the pencil icon at the top and move it to Bug Reports. There isn’t anything CS can do about quest progress, and this is concerning a bug (something not working as intended).


If this happens hop on your mount, fly away from the event, then fly back in and land run up to Kinook. This happened to me and after I did that the event started showing up on the right-hand side giving me orders.


They actually have just put out another set of improvements on the off-chance RNG sucks and you’re not given any specific tasks from the big guy.


And they keep tweaking it for the better!