Waited 3 hours for a healer

No, they are not.

I have six healers at end game, yo. This one is my main healer. The others I am gearing up, at my leisure. Lack of healers? Nah… Imma tell you what needs to happen:

That being said - I heal. I like to heal. It’s pretty much all I do right now.

If you need a healer, you can add me: LadyA#1259

All I ask is that you do not spam me with a discord link, expecting me to toddle along and have to sit in a useless discord for like +10 keys. Unless it is a 20+, that is useless and annoying.

Otherwise, feel free to message me and ask if I want to heal for y’all, to help out. :smiley:

Be forewarned - I have some painful medical things going on, so I afk a lot. But I will answer messages as I see them.


For pug groups I will explain the mechanic/mechanics in detail and give instructions on how to deal with it once and if people choose to ignore it I will leave guilt free.

I have a group of less experienced guildies that I play with where I know it’ll take a bit of time and a group of people that push 20+ keys that just carry me whenever we want to push a a few keys.

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People being nice to healers and patient in keys with groups who aren’t meta. Less unavoidable damage. Better dps for healers so they can solo world content without constantly changing spec and talents. More world content. More relaxed leveling groups.

The psychology of most healers (not all… don’t screech) is we just want to chill and help ppl and don’t want to be left out of content easy for other classes. We are more detail oriented and like to take our time exploring and going through content without constant break neck mach 10 insanity. We are happiest when we can ensure our friends can do well in content. We don’t want a +10 or +15 key to be a slog of ppl killing themselves in maddening tunneled pulls of high Action per minute pure chaos when we are already decked out in +18 or 20 gear and know the content… most of us most of the time. Very rarely I really enjoy the challenge of the insane world first pull. Or absolutely terrible groups.

The game is just too dang stressful and seizure inducing for healers the higher you get in keys. Long gone are the days of a dungeon crawl where between a good healer and tank. You where mostly assured victory and worthwhile loot. So instead we just go race snails. Fish. Archeology. Pet battles. Rares. WQs. Gathering. Or some pvp.

There should be challenging moments to heal. It just shouldn’t be every single second of an entire 30 minute session. DPS should be able to be carried in anything under a +10. They should just make the content quicker. That was their job.

Also any range classes with a cast bar are constantly getting swirlies and movement. This is fine occasionally. However again it’s every second of a 30 minute run. Healers have to watch 5 to 40 health bars on top of all this AND precast save your butt spells just so the DPS can tunnel or do enough dmg for the bosses to not enrage.

This is why you don’t see healers. Blizz needs to chill the heck out. Throw healers a bone. And give them challenging content that isn’t so trivial you can sleepwalk it. Which for most of you may not sound that fun. However it exists in a midway point between what we got now and the funner mechanically simple bosses. Otherwise. Healers just become fustrated and burn when success or failure is constantly reacting to half second crazy make it or break it mechanics on deadly pulls over and over… these moments at most should only last a phase for healers letting us strategically prep ourselves. The best of us can do the insane spam everything while constantly moving a few times a night before we are completely fuzzed. And when you depend on 4 to 39 other people all doing it perfectly. We get tired of it. Tired of being blamed when groups fail. Tired of not being able to do anything about it. No matter how hard we try. Because the mechanic was a one or two shot deal and we where busy casting power word life on the tank with a heavy bleed and tank buster debuff and we had to strafe every GCD of the pull.

Healers need breathing room. That’s why. We need a carrot for our efforts and class fantasy to. Not being forced to be completely dependent or switch specs in the solo content of the game. Even if that means we can out dps bad dps in an easy low key… like a 5 or normal raid.

Most healers are probably busy doing the goblin event. Or old mission tables and raids. We are only going to heal our static group a few times a week until Blizz makes the game fun, yes easier, yes more chill for us healers again.

Maybe buff healing 25%, decrease mob dmg by 25%, buff healer dps by 25% and remove about half of the trash pull mechanics that constantly drop AoE dmg stun spammies everywhere on ranged players or one shot dps???

There you have it.


428, Id be happy if I found 428s, I normally take 406-418

what key level? ill heal for you bro.

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Or the fourth demograph of the player who is the “star raider” in their guild, but their guildmates don’t run keys at the same level as they do, and can’t be trusted not to brick it. I am in this demographic more often than not these days. Same result, though- I have to pug all my M+ content. :expressionless:


Maybe if people didn’t discriminate against 4 of the healers it wouldn’t be so bad.

Takes s MW at least 20mins to hook a 20 with over 2600 io.


im sorry i like to pvp a lot

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My only friend that heals quit yesterday when we kept wiping on a 16 Neltharus. Every boss except the mammoth had way to much unavoidable damage. Was he the best player in the world? No. But he has been playing wow since vanilla release and healing through all the ups and downs. Accord to this forums, he’s a ‘bad’ healer and its a good thing he quit the game. IMO selfish and egotistical players like that are hurting the game more than ‘bad healers’


Don’t worry I’m making a lvl 1 healer rn, give me 2 weeks


What was your rating for the dungeon relative to the level being attempted?

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Yeah to the OP let me know when you have 2-3 runs of people standing in cleaves and puddles, blaming you for “letting them die,” and then let me know how eager you are to heal pugs.


its time to add M+ in dungeon finder
don’t like don’t use lol

Yeah I’d enjoy that… the amount of people leaving randoms and the threads calling for DC penalty would increase 1000% would many for entertainment to read

I get denied to a lot of keys, and see plenty of healers in queue. Maybe it’s just the key range you’re playing in?

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^^^ This

I decided to try my first mythic yesterday, and as a healer. I have played this game since early 2006 on and off. Hardcore during Vanilla and BC. I was a raid healer and loved it. Healing in dungeons and raids are normally my favorite thing to do. I have been a more casual player for some time now, so never wanted to do, or even try mythics until recently.

So yesterday I decided I finally want to give it a go. I decided to do a mythic 0 to get my first key and wrongfully assuming anyone joining such a low mythic would also be learning or somewhat new. While I wasn’t learning as a healer, mythics were new to me.

I understand mythics need to go at a fast pace. I understand that there are times the tank will pull tons of mobs. But, the tank should also be getting aggro on those mobs he’s running through the dungeon forming a train behind him on. This tank didn’t do that at all. He ran through the dungeon forming a train, not getting aggro on any of them until the boss. In the meantime, he left the mobs behind for the dps to clean up and get beat up on. There was rarely a time I was in range of the tank and dps both to actually keep my team alive. It was an absolutely horrible experience.

If I decided to stay behind and heal the dps that the tank left to fend for themselves, the tank was way ahead so I couldn’t heal him. If I stayed with the tank to keep him healed, the dps was left behind to die and get beat up on.

I died a few times in that horrible mythic. The last time the tank actually had the nerve to tell me to rez and to do my job and heal. I actually found it funny and extremely ironic considering he wasn’t actually tanking the whole dungeon.

I mean, I don’t know, but maybe bs like this is why healers are hard to come by.


jokes on you
i waited zero hours for a healer because i am the healer


-checks naughty list-

Sorry OP, you’re on the blacklist. We can look at removing your name next month. There is a healer convention next month where we review the list


I don’t want to hear it. As a mistweaver I face an unprecedented level of discrimination because I’m not a “meta healer”

The same people who decline my application for a measly +11 even though I’m 2.2k rated and have 431 item level because they’d rather have a shaman or Druid are the same people coming to the forums and complaining about the lack of healers applying to their groups.

I feel no sympathy for people that just try and create drama by twisting reality to paint a narrative.

There are a TON of healers applying to your groups, you’re just a meta slave.


This is a very limited scope of the player base. I like many healers only play with a tank I know really. Quite a few of my friends who are healers don’t tend to play outside their group. It’s not every run but it’s enough plenty of healers just don’t want to take the gamble when they don’t have to.