Wait, why are we even making a World Tree in the first place?

So I haven’t played Dragonflight so I’m not caught up, but I was following the discussion of the cringe-inducing MCU style scene where a bunch of important people all showed up behind Alextrasza to do absolutely nothing.

Someone tried to explain that the reason everyone was there is because if Fyrakk won then the whole world would burn. But if that’s the case then why the hell are we making Amirdrassil in the first place if it’s just going to be a colossal liability? Do the Night Elves need to live in a tree?

All the other trees served a purpose: Seal the well Illidan created, destroy Saronite, restore immortality, etc. What is Amirdrassil supposed to be for aside from giving Azeroth one giant achilles heel?

Also, why is the Horde here? Like I’d understand some curious adventurers popping in to check out the new tree but this really seems to be an Alliance problem.


We’re planting the seed because Elune made the seed, and Night Elf souls infused it of their own record, if I recall correctly. I’m not sure what purpose it serves other than some vague pretense of “renewal” for the Night Elf people. Arguably, they don’t need a tree to build a city somewhere.

Beyond that, the tree itself seems to serve as some kind of unusual anchor between the Emerald Dream, Ardenweald, and Azeroth.

It was a Night Elf problem. It became an everyone problem when the tree became an easily targeted conduit and, as you said, a massive liability. Fyrakk already has the means of corrupting the Emerald Dream by basically turning the realm into Firelands 2.0.

Once that’s done, taking the tree will then allow him the flood the entirety of Azeroth with elemental fire.


Wow, ten-thousand years to think about it and the Nelfs still haven’t learned their lesson from the Well of Eternity huh?


Not in the slightest.

If it isn’t a well causing problems, it’s a tree. It’s a vicious cycle.


Yeah, I don’t think the game ever went into why anyone else should care about the tree being planted in the first place. I forgot where I read it, but someone pointed out that most of Azeroth really ought to be pissed that the whole planet was jeopardized over it.


The Tree is renewal for all of those Night Elf souls who perished in the War of Thorns and the Burning of Teldrassil.

And why should any other race give a damn about that in the face of risking planetary extinction?


Perhaps for the same reason those of Lordaeron are so obsessed with retaking it from the forsaken.

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The whole planet wasn’t jeopardized for it. In the Emerald Dream story towards the end we learn that it’s mainly been just the Druids and the Green Dragonflight in the Dream defending Amirdrassil. At the final chapter as Fyrakk cuts his way through the barrier, the forces of Azeroth are summoned to aid. So for a while, the Druids and the Green Flight have been on their own protecting the Dream and Amirdrassil.

IIRC, the whole reason why Amirdrassil is in such dire need of protecting is because Fyrakk wants to corrupt it, which would set the whole world aflame.

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Give me one good reason why any non-Night Elf should care.


“uwu we feewl bawd aboot tewldwassil”

Is not a good reason.


I agree that the reasons for the tree are vague and never fully explained on the necessity. I’m not sure why the Night Elf souls need to be put in a tree and planted on Azeroth aside from a vague concept of renewal for the Night Elves and “at least something new came out of all that death”.

However, it could become important with all of this cosmic war stuff and Blizz is hiding it’s true purpose for the next few expacs.

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Why can’t people let that crap just die with Shadowlands?

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night elf content.

Because unfortunately Blizzard themselves won’t let it die.


On Azeroth, we call that Tuesday.

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You can’t make anyone care about anything.

Appeals for concepts like “common humanity” don’t have the same meaning here.

You either find that reason yourself, or you don’t. That goes for anything people are asked to “care about”, whether it’s a soul tree, or movie night.

I have two blood elven characters, both are of drastically different opinions and viewpoints on the topic.


The horde as a monolith, I do not think is the way to go. Let’s consider its members.

I suppose that the Tauren might care about a sacred tree created by Mu’sha. A lot of Sin’dorei might feel a desire to make amends for playing a part in what amounts to a reenactment of the Scourging of Quel’tlas. Some Forsaken might feel like they went full scourge during the WoT and want to prove their humanity exists to themselves if no one else. Shal’dorei might be a bit snooty but I cannot imagine they would of supported genociding the only people who they share any direct connection to over the gulf of time. Vulpera never had any part in it to begin with, but are diplomatic traders and would see it as a strategic opportunity. They did found the Artisan’s consortium after all.

Trolls, Goblins, and Orcs? Yea no idea. Orcs live to chop down trees after all. Goblins are antithetical to the Dream on a basic level. And Trolls hate the Kaldorei, plus their loa seemed to not see it as important enough to show up. You have to fall back on “The world will be incinerated.”


We wouldn’t have this problem if Sylvanas hadn’t burned Teldrassil. Horde is basically fixing its own mistakes by helping night elves. Whether we like it or not, Horde helped Sylvanas in this crime.

So why were not angry at blood elves for creating sunwell? Why do we even tolerate Na’ru if they can take the void form?

All of these things are an unimaginable source of power helps us defend Azeroth. Now including Amirdrassil. No wonder bad guys always want to get it for themselves. With great power always comes great risk.

Besides Amirdrassil just chilling in the Dream for years until Fyrakk and company ruin everyones day. Should we be angry at the good guys because they got attacked?


Are they actually saying they are fixing mistakes? Teldrassil and the BFA war to protect sylvanas wasn’t an oupsie like they stumbled into it. It was an active participation until the tide turned against them.