Wait, wait, wait. Lightforged Draenei can be what now?

what bothered me the most was their biggest reason for everyone gets rouges was because the least amount of races needed it which was a lie. Monks only had 3 races missing. Rogues had 4.

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The quite literally said they are working towards all races all classes lol.

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But then Ion said Evokers and the dragon race is the same thing and they probably won’t ever get anymore classes.

He’s sending mixed signals and it’s odd.

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I mean if you want to be creative with it they can just say its not monk but a variation of some kind of fist fighter or brawler since worgen npcs use their claws anyway, and before you say that makes no sense we already have examples of that with tauren and troll “paladins” who worship the sun and a dinosaur (who is dead now btw) and have no relation to the original class lore.

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They also told us Dracthyr will eventually get more classes when they learn from the other races. (They even gave them animations for pretty much every class)

Evokers likely won’t go to other races though.


Ehh I have to disagree there are so many writers blizzard has trouble keeping up with their own lore as seen many times. To be honest I think the person who made the worgen heritage quest has never done anything worgen related a day in their life but if you want an actual example. The garrosh scene from the stonetalon mountains was pretty much deemed non cannon even though it was voice acted in game.

Oh hey wouldja look at that.


Oh snap! Good job, Blizz!

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Huh, don’t I have egg on my face. Weird that they would add these monk combo mix expansion but nice.

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I’m so happy~!


Respect the Rabble!


Now I need a alliance realm with a large population on EST time…

But I could not be happier. :smiley:

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Stormrage, my stomping grounds.


Too lazy to update the timelines?

But yea, next patch gets Worgen and Goblin monks.

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They never gave a 100% guarantee on this at all and they also said if it did happen it wouldn’t be anytime soon :dracthyr_shrug:

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Monks should be like hunters. Every race should have them. It’s a class like Warrior that can just be taught and doesn’t have lore loopholes like druids needing a wild god or shamans bargaining.

You’re probably right. I’m pretty sure most class/race restrictions have to do more with resources spent on animations and visuals for class sets than anything involving lore or story reasons.


I just have to tag you because this is too comical :joy:

Oh and gotta tag you as well lol

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I don’t think Monk should be as ubiquitous as face-to-face fighting (warrior), sneaky fighting (rogue), or hunting. Martial arts and channeling chi energies is not as, uh… prevalent in every society.

That said, they made their choice back in MoP when they dropped monk on every playable race except worgen and goblin with no lore justification beyond, “Pandas showed us how and we’re real quick learners”.

Gnomes have been working with paladins for upwards of a few decades but I guess that just doesn’t “click” the same way as kung fu did in a couple weeks.


It always made sense to me that worgen couldn’t be monks because monks by nature are meditative and peaceful and channel their energy into fighting. Worgen by nature are feral beasts that were kept in check due to druidic forces.

That being said, I see no reason why worgen cannot be monks as a way to try to tame themselves or find some semblance of balance or peace within. It’s a great RP storyline.

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How the hell is this going to conjoin with lore???
and now some of race are getting monk class
so I guess it’s safe to assume we can see undead paladin in future because blizzard don’t care about lore no more :joy::joy::joy: