Wait Ulduar doesn’t come with any new dungeons?

It’s P1 and tons of people are already raid logging and there’s no point in alts either with how dead LFG is, but now I just found out it’s going to be 4-6 more months of this same boring content and all we get in P2 is Ulduar and no new dungeons?!

They’re just going to clean up Ulduar day 1 like did every other raid and then raidlog again, Wrath has no longevity at all of this is the release path.

At that point they should’ve just not even had phases and released the whole thing at once, there’s gonna be nothing to do for months on end and with no RDF people are not gonna stick around.

Dragonflight really might be the end for Classic tbh.


Flagged for spam


Won’t be the end of classic for me, but I hope you find it engaging and enjoyable.


It’s gonna be an end for a lot of people, idk anyone who gonna play Cata classic which is coming up next lol. Wrath was supposed to be the last hoorah.

Flag all garmuck threads.


don’t bother replying garmuck


It’ll get restored anyways, I never broke ToS. If you don’t like it, be an adult and don’t click on it instead of wasting moderator time.



Why not?


Ironically the people calling me a troll are the biggest trolls on the forum, they claim they hate me and know more about my posts than even myself lmao.

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Well, you are pretty good at poking the bear. Doesn’t necessarily make you a troll, but I could see why some might suspect you of that.

I guess I just don’t see why people who dislike you would engage with your threads when they could, you know, not do that.

It’s not like they can’t see the author of the thread before they click on it.


You just know learned the content release schedule of content that was released 14 years ago? Pretty impressive to be that slow

I love how you think anyone cares. Blizzard sure as hell doesn’t care which game you’re playing, only that you’re paying the $15. If you’re so miserable in Wrath, then go play retail?


THey will, you won’t


TLDR: wotlk needs RDF


There are no Ulduar dungeons to release. I dont know what people are expecting. HoS and HoL are the uld dungeons and they are in game already.


Im sorry but were u around in 2008? Do you know how to use the internet? I dont understand the point of this topic. Unless u didnt play wrath in 2008 or dont know how to use the internet to research this or even have never played retail wow you already knew the answer to this topic before even posting it.

But to stop you from making any other related posts to wrath dungeons here is the list

When trial raid comes out we get the dungeon.

When ICC comes out we get 3 dungeons that are a prerequiste fir icc and must be done in order i dont remember the name of the first dungeon but pit of saron is 2nd with halls of reflection the last dungeon in which sylvanas is trying to get frostmourne.

Other than those 4 dungeons there is no other new ones except for the heroic+ concept or unless blizz decides to adds dungeons they didnt release in original

The catch up dungeons come with icc, and include a bunch of weapons and items which will be better than naxx gear. As for dungeon gear, might want to try for a dungeon world tour as that is probably good for new players.

Still don’t know what a doom post is? Read this one to yourself, then you MAY get it.

If everyone is saying the same thing to you, then maybe you do have a problem somewhere.

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I know this is a common phrase on the internet but seriously dude you need to find something to do with your time, you make 4-6 posts a day and just comment on every thread all day. Seriously put down the phone, or get off the computer just like 1 hour a day and all your posts won’t be so damn negative too.


The version of wrath we have is what people said they want. Everything is easy to get and there’s not much to do outside of raids, alts and PVP.

Extra dungeons wouldn’t fix anything either. This is just how wrath is, it’s easy and very accessible. Achievements are there to give some longevity but that’s it.

  • Farm all reputations (dailies, dungeons)
  • Farm achievements
  • Hallow’s end
  • Fishing/cooking/other professions dailies & farming
  • Wintergrasp
  • Dual spec & farm for OS

You can easily play 40h/week and never set foot in a single raid.

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