I had to make this character on Sulfuras and chose not to play with my friends on Benediction. I even supported Blizzard in this decision locking the servers…yet SoM players get a pass and can choose that server?
They didnt take away anything from you and this is a benefit for every single player with a SoM character. You might even get more players to group with and buy/sell to if they come to your server.
I am happy for you, genuinely.
Blizzard just took such a hard stance on locking servers and such…then they allow this? Kind of feels bad.
The majority will go to Grobb, Fearlina, Bene. as would I.
This is just isn’t fair. The servers should be locked. SoM players should be filling up other servers. That’s what the people that got locked out of them had to do.
It gets worse.
Unless Blizz is on the ball, someone can go make a toon now in SoM and take the free transfer to a locked server.
Now they have a foothold - a character on a locked server - so will they now be allowed to bypass transfer locks too because they have a character already on the locked server?
I have many SoM friends from Grobbulus who are super excited that they can come home. People who’ve been supporting the classic experiment since 2019 shouldn’t be punished cus a few WOTLK andys are big mad.