Wait so, you're telling me fury is stuck with S2?

Last I looked fury was going to get S3 tier set going into S4. As soon as they released 10.2.6 patch notes I realized that we somehow got S2? There are circulating opinions on this. frankly speaking, no fury warrior wants S2 tier set. It might have had value before they nerfed the gcd to bloodthirst with annihilator spec. Getting pigeonholed into a tier spec that worked prior to BT nerfs seems a bit too much.

Despite the fact we are forced to play recycled garbage because blizz can’t put out legitimate content due to lack of staff/merger, etc W/E… it seems they have given up on retail, but people still have opinions to voice.

Let people pick their season’s tier set of choice. It would only take minor tweaks to balance it and it would give people the freedom to play what they actually enjoyed playing for whatever content they play.

We could use the Catalyst to let people change their tier set if they so choose. what if people want to mix and match different seasons 2 sets? I think that could be a LOT of fun because it gives the player more freedom to customize their experience.

I’ve been playing this game for almost 20 years and it makes me sad to see it become this uncared for. Like a flea-stricken puppy left on the side of the road that no one wants. I get that games need to evolve, but to lose sight of the core values that made this game one of the most revolutionary games of it’s time deeply saddens me.

Boomer out.


I would rather keep the bloodthirst/annihilater set


Of course you would, as you obviously dont know how to play fury and you prefer simplicity. Only problem is annihilator spec is clunky as a mofo in S2. That rotation is about as smooth as a gravel sandwich. You’re right, sitting there waiting for a button to press sounds like SOOO much fun. :smirk:

This is you?

[Lucicicia - Bronzebeard - Warcraft Logs](https://www.warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bronzebeard/lucicicia#difficulty=3&zone=31)

The irony…


Did I ever claim to be a PvE player? I haven’t touched a raid or dungeon since the beginning of season 2. PvP is my preferred mode of gameplay, but thanks for dropping by.

No, but you claimed someone else didn’t know how to play fury when it’s painfully obvious you haven’t the slightest idea of how to play the spec. Something about sticks and stones and glass houses comes to mind.


So to summarize: I don’t know how to play fury because I’m not a PvE lord. Even though I’ve played the spec exclusively since 2004. Obviously you know a lot more about the spec than I do, so please do enlighten me.

That’s kinda meaningless since the spec went through multiple overhauls and changes over the years.


Thank you for proving my point. I have played it through every overhaul and change.

I used to raid with 1h’s in vanilla and was one of the top dps in the best raiding guild on my server. I played it when they introduced Titans Grip. I’ve continued to play it through the countless changes including losing bladestorm and having them reintroduce to fury multiple times.

What was your point again?

Playing something for a long time doesn’t mean you play it well. Your parses clearly show, that although you’ve played fury a long time, you don’t know how to play it, at all.


Yes because parses are the end all be all for demonstrating ones ability. Like I told you before, I have not raided for over a year. When I was raiding it was extremely casual and I was very undergeared.

I find it hilarious that this is your baseline to prove someones ability on a class/spec. If it makes you feel better, my parses for fury dps used to rank top US back when I actually cared about raiding. I haven’t taken raiding seriously since mop. Raiding became more of a “hang out with your buddies and crack jokes a couple nights a week” thing for me.

Your argument is rediculous. I’m a PvP player. Go troll someone else’s post.

That is the entire purpose of a parse, to show your grasp of the class. This is literally why parses exist. I’d just stop now before you say anything even more foolish.


That the entirety of that knowledge is absolutely meaningless right now and doesn’t impact your current knowledge or understanding of the spec.

Best mean we got.

Cool, that doesn’t mean it applies to today’s Fury.

Well we could check your rankings but you hide your profile so that’s indicative enough isn’t it?


You are more than welcome to check my profile. It is not hidden.

I do. Loved it. Voted for it. And am eager to get back to playing it


Was that before or after they nerfed the cd to bloodthirst?

I actually liked the s1 set quite a bit, if only it was tuned better.

I prefer s2 over 3.

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Bloodthirsts cd is irrelevant when it’s only used on rampage stacks

I assume you’re speaking from a RB build perspective. Other fella mentioned annihilator spec with S2 set. It must be nice to just stand in one place stacking up a single big damage BT.

I personally rely on big burst damage and using BT every other gcd (after the 3 empowered BT) to maintain Cold Steel, Hot Blood.

Maybe your build isn’t focused around bleed damage? Mine hasn’t changed since the start of this xpac. I’ve always ran Thunderous Roar with Thunderous Words and Cold Steel, Hot Blood with Bloodborne. And I’ve always ran Odyn’s Fury with my build.

One can only assume you were one of those spear/ravager builds?

From a PvE perspective i’m very happy to get back to the S2 tier set, the Ravager + Onslaught build in PvE is ridiculously fun for me and being forced down the Odyn’s Fury + Annihilator bleed build was an unwelcome change PvE wise.

This season I did dabble around with PvP a little bit and I can see how good the S3 tier is for it regarding that, quite frankly without the S3 tier set in PvP I dunno how Fury is going to be even remotely viable in stuff like Arena’s anymore as they’ll lose such a significant amount of their burst.

I do agree with the others, playing Fury since Classic doesn’t really mean much, but considering Fury hasn’t seen -too- much change since roughly their Legion / BFA era (BFA is when I played Fury for a little bit, but not too much.) you still should have a good deal of experience and it does translate to having played the spec in it’s current or similar iterations for at least 7 years.

Your PvE parses are fine as well, no clue what they’re talking about, a 50-60 parse on most bosses is perfectly acceptable and shows that at times you are aware of how to play the spec, though if your build hasn’t changed off of Odyn’s Fury since S1 even in PvE then that would explain some of the lower parses.

It would be nice if at some point during the season they just allow us to choose any of the tier sets to go with and try to balance them to be near eachother’s DPS PvE wise so that it really is just letting us choose our playstyle.