Wait, so horde are going to get Heroic Darkshore before Alliance?

tinfoil hats, get your tinfoil hats here!


Of course the Horde gets it first. That new road from Darkshore to Ashenvale isn’t going to pave itself with tree elf ash.


Alliance is terrible now.

Reroll Horde or play another game.

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Lol. Horde had like a 9 to 1 rate for victory. Asking for more fair and more even win rates is not asking for instant wins.

Hell, for the first week the Horde NPC’s had almost twice the health and did double the damage.

The instant queues versus 9+ minutes queues were because Horde participation for BG’s is so skewed in Hordes favor. Not Alliance’s fault blizz let Horde racials sit overpowered for so long cuasing all players who care about content to faction change. Blame blizz for doing nothing to fix the faction participation imbalance. Despite them being fully aware of it.
And this was balanced out by merc mode, which is and has pretty always been Horde exclusive due to said participation imbalance.
And no mention of the iLvL 400 weapon quest imbalance that this presented. I am shocked.

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Realistically, shouldn’t AoO be getting an ilvl increase also?

Horde need them to compete in World First.

What are you going to do with 460 piece? roleplaying in Goldshire?


Dude you canonically win both warfronts and the war itself. Get outta here with that “i wanna be a victim” crap


Grabs Bashaa by the horns and takes her back to the Vindicaar


Yes, you did.

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Alliance didn’t win the war, you’re misinformed.

Off-screen lore with no in-game consequences. Is that what the Horde are reduced to clinging to?

“Well you won this thing that doesn’t matter” LOL

Remember who got REGULAR Stormguard first?

I don’t.

Think about how much it matters now.

It doesn’t effing matter who gets which of these first… it’s on a rotation, it DOESN’T MATTER if you have to wait a couple weeks. jfc

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Blizz said so themselves

Alliance did

lol most of this thread is alliance players telling you to get over it


I don’t really care much about the Warfronts, but doesn’t the H Darkshore come with a mount or something? Or is that just purchasable with the service medals?

Hush Vulpera. Another fine example of the bias the developers have. Your race will easily be the 2nd most popular race on the Hordeside. I doubt Mechagnomes will even out compete Kul’Tirans.

Yeah that wasn’t the point.

Point is: it doesn’t matter who gets it first. The only people it would matter to… are already farming other content to where that 1 item won’t even be an upgrade.

The only people complaining about this are the herp-a-derps who demand i500 for Heroic dungeons.

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They said Alliance won Warfront (and its because its Alliance zone).

My realm still shows alliance will be getting it tomorrow