WAHH SHARDING, your say, your way, go

I will attempt to start a march through Elwynn in celebration of our victory.

Unless I missed a blue post, I have heard no mention of server caps, or how many servers they intend to launch.

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sharding allows you to temporarily have more people then a server would normally allow.
for example - we want pop caps at 2500 after sharding is removed.
by using sharding we can make it higher, temporarily, so the tourists who want to see what classic is like can experience classic.
otherwise what would happen is you’d have a pop cap of 2500, but the tourists leave and your left with a server with 500 people.

not if all the tourists are gone by level 10.

except it takes so long to get through the first zone that the hardcores will be into the next zone by the time those with less time catch up.

That still doesn’t mention server caps. I highly doubt they allow the queue to hit “tens of thousands”. That would drive off a great many players that would normally be interested in playing. But that does further reinforce my belief that Classic launch will join the ranks of games with terrible launches, and that creating it as additional content to retail as opposed to making it an independent game for vanilla fans will likely result in it being a flop for the crowd that wanted it in the first place.

Watch yourself, Fox. You’re almost sounding like you’re pro-starter sharding :slight_smile:

The implication of sharding is that server caps will be raised in the sharded areas, so that when a tiny percentage of that higher cap moves forward, they’re still filling the server.

This is yes, an ‘estimate’ but it shows how you can adjust caps and still have the same experience.

Solution? Blizzard has had our money thrown at them hand over fist since WoW saw the light of day. The solution is them investing OUR money into top quality servers that can handle damn near anything thrown at them short of some idiot streamer attempting to go out of their way to intentionally crash the server, I wouldn’t expect that however as they know they would get banned

just understanding of the nature of the issue.

I dont see congestion as an issue. Just part of a game. Use your imagination, and find a workaround like run to get flightpaths. Or wait a couple hours or a day. Login during night time.


Blizzard is absolutely positively 100% responsible for the forthcoming launch debacle. Anyone taking more than 5 minutes of consideration can see how their decisions will aversely affect launch.

Shortsighted to say the least.

Except, isn’t that actually how the game launched? I could be wrong, but I do recall hearing that the initial launch was more successful than anticipated and the volume of people even caused server issues. I imagine if there was so many people in the first few weeks that it was causing server issues, there was quite a lot of competition over mobs as well.

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It’s not a problem to solve. What you call problem, I call “classic experience”.


We are talking about 100k users at the launch of Vanilla WoW vs a double that or even higher depending how well Classic gets advertised and hyped, you cannot assume that what ever happened the first time around will be adequate this time around.

There is no solution needed. In reality the overcrowded start itself acts to make the entire rest of the level process less crowded. The congestion will act to trickle people out of the leveling zones in a spread out fashion. If you have sharding that giant mass of starting people stick together longer despite never seeing each other and then when the sharding is pulled out you will suddenly have a whole bunch of people being crowded because they were all in the nice leveling spots thinking they were fairly usable…

TLDR: Sharding doesn’t actually fix the crowded problem it just delays it.


How have people not mentioned this yet?! Genius. Blizz, you dumb

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Sup Jalen! Long time no see!

Ironblood/Colmannid here. Yeah cancelled my sub back in Nov, couldn’t play BfA at all lol. Been hanging here in Classic forums a bit though waiting for it.

Again, people, these are the kinds of “suggestions” people think are helpful and actually useful launch alternatives to sharding. I wouldn’t go so far as to credit this kind of tactic as a ‘smart business practice’ for Blizzard launching Classic (which will have way higher headcount than Vanilla launch did – and if you think otherwise, you’re kidding yourself).

Blizz: Sorry, we’re not implementing sharding so yes, your starting zones will be the equivalent to a 2,000 passenger boat sinking with 3 life boats. Just swim to another place to level safely.

Yea… sounds like they would try to head this kind of situation off at the pass.

It would be authentic vanilla-like and only last a relatively short length of time compared to the life of classic.

But they already screwed the pooch with the bundled sub and no box cost. They could have had separate servers for the bundles, that was condemned as “segregation”. They could have had a box cost, that was called “elitist”. They could have had separate subs, that also was bemoaned as “segregation”. They could have paid advanced release servers, with the bundle servers released afterward, that was called both elitist as well as segregation. Very few if any decisions have been made targeting those coming to play solely classic.

Classic release will be big. A very big dumpster fire, with only blizzard’s decisions to blame.


It doesn’t delay it though, players will propagate through the world in different zones, different pace of leveling and will also have access to instances.

Launch of Classic: Has the highest number of congruent users. All of those users are dispersed among only the starter zones.

lvl 20-30s? each starter zone branches into other zones; more areas for the players to divide among. People who play 10+ hours a day are not in the same zones as people who play 2-3 hours a day. Players are also spending time in places like Deadmines, WC, SFK, RFC, RFK, SM etc…

Once the hype of launch dies down, congruent player count will stabilize and likely peak in the evenings. Sure, there will be an ‘average pack’ where the majority of players fall into, but due to all of the factors I mentioned, nothing compares to the concentration seen right at launch. Nothing. The idea that sharding keeps everyone together to an even remotely similar degree is just false.