WAHH SHARDING, your say, your way, go

Ok we get it, you don’t like sharding, that being said how do you propose to solve the issue of mass congestion in the starting zones (1-10), having literally hundreds if not thousands of players fighting over one mob on a 5-10 minute respawn isn’t exactly “authentic experience”.

In-fact it wouldn’t be authentic, Classic won’t be like Vanilla launch, it will have greater numbers (regardless if they are temporary or not), so how do you solve the issue or mass congestion, do you want dynamic respawns? (a system that was used in vanilla btw).

What is your idea, I don’t care why you don’t like sharding or whatever, I want to hear what YOUR solution is to the issue that Vanilla didn’t face at launch (we aren’t going to talk about AQ openning that doesn’t count).



In before “pservers did it” kind of moron posts.


If you can guarantee me that sharding will be only levels 1 to 10, for a few weeks at most, and then gone forever, i will happily shut up about it.


There is no guarantee that will happen. To blindly accept that Blizz will allow the servers to suffer from a massive amount of people trying to login and create characters at the start is ridiculous. Blizz wants the, NEEDS, the launch to go smoothly or they risk losing more than they would gain from launching classic wow. Sharding is their best bet at a smooth launch regardless of the “pserver” comments that will be made.


it shouldn’t go smoothly. and people should have to wait 10min for a boar to respawn in order to kill 9 more. y’all want the “classic” feel…


Then i will continue to rail against sharding so blizzard knows i dont want it and i want it gone asap.
Weve already moved the goal posts from no sharding in classic to sharding at launch. My goal is to absolutely contain sharding and limit its use.


Sharding and CRZ are fantastic technical achievements but immersion killers. There’s nothing fun about people phasing in and out of view right in front of you.

Like mentioned before, if there’s sharding in the 1-10 zones at launch then never again, I’ll tolerate it.

We really don’t need this thread every 6 hours.


I could just as easily type “WAHH I have to wait 1 minute to tag a Frost Troll”.

I just popped onto retail and facerolled to level 8 in under an hour. The experience was absolutely hollow. I didn’t have to team with anyone. It was insanely boring. Vanilla is not meant to be a faceroll. You need to compete! You need to form groups! Grow up and stop asking to be spoon-fed everything!


Most people here begrudgingly accept that sharding the starting zones isn’t a completely terrible idea. That said, a lot of us are kind of skeptical on Blizzards lack of definition when it comes to starting zones and time limited.


I’d spend more time creating all my heirlooms and setting up my chat and addons the way I like then it takes me to get from 1-5.


Yes we need a clear exit strategy and timeline.


There’s no guarantee it is only 1-10, because someone said that they would be or probably would be in the game where they believe there is too much people.

I want classic launch style seeing how your asking. People should fight over limited resources and not be able to get resources/money how they were doing it in legion with phasing into different shards by joining other people in separate areas.

But thats what I am in too.

But seriously WAHH sharding is an idiotic thing to open up with, I mean the only people who are crying here are the ones who want sharding and are attacking those who would rather not have it in.
its a legitimate complaint unlike all the me me me first over authenticity, and telling those with legitimate complaints whiners when you are the ones who keep whining.

Doesn’t matter much though what blizzard puts out is what people may or may not want in the product. Its definitely not what some people wanted as there were so many posting walls of no and down voting posts by the hundreds for having classic in its name, so a lot of them are here saying give me sharding I have to play this.


No. A truly authentic launch experience would mean the servers would be shutting down every 15 minutes. But of course that’s just silly.

If starting zones are overpopulated I’m OK with that. If it takes me 4 hours to make it out of Mulgore that’s just fine. It would be the only time in the history of the server you’d ever witness anything like it. So I say just let it happen. It’ll make for a much more memorable experience than the neutered and watered down version sharding would give us.


I don’t see anything wrong to party up for quests, or maybe even raids.


I can’t agree enough with this line of thinking. If the starting zones are packed, imagine how many people you will get to meet and interact with right from the get-go.

Basically, it’d be the ‘Classic WoW is here’ block party!


Actually letting the zones be congested would be authentic, because that IS how it was in Vanilla for a lot of servers. The total number of players matters very little to how packed the starting zones will be. What matters is the server population, since you really only need around 3k to cap out a Vanilla server.

The real problem is long term server populations, because it’s expected that rather than grow in playerbase like Vanilla did that Classic will experience a sharp drop not long after launch as the tourists are done checking it out to see what all the fuss is about.

Though I agree that I’d like some assurance that sharding wont be used post-launch. If nothing else, if they are planning on using it I would like to know the specifics: What zones will be sharded, for how long, and will you ever consider it again during stuff like the AQ event?


I never made noise but it better not go past the starting zones.


I dont hate this.


As long as I can pay for early access, sure don’t have sharding.

Sharding with only 20 people in the 1-5 zones will feel bad.
No sharding with 500 people in the 1-5 zones will also feel bad. (assuming 3k server population divided by 6 starting zones)
Blizz said that they will do sharding at launch.
Why not push for larger shards where it can be the best of both worlds?
50-75 people in the 1-5 zones then up to 200 in the 5-10.
After that NO SHARDING! Ever.