WAHH SHARDING, your say, your way, go

You’re being a bit of a hypocrite by quoting Blizzard when you previously didn’t believe Blizzard when they said sharding was going to stop at the starter zones. Guess it doesn’t matter because you’ll use whatever you want as long as it supports your narrative.

So, tell us all how Blizzard’s previous statement that one of the tenets (guiding principles) of sharding was not a promise, but Ion’s vague statement somehow is to be taken as a promise from on high.

That sounds fun as ****. Imagine the general chat on launch

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My problem with this is it means having every zone sharded. Sorry but if they do that, its too much.
You can shard 1 to 10 as much as you want, nothing beyond that.

Thats the compromise already. We were not supposed to have sharding at all.


For classic and when they launched new servers without shards, what you described is what happens. You try to tag entry level quest mobs and wait for repops. It’s part of the fun of everyone starting at once. It’s not like it lasts forever. It’s really not a big deal. Sharding, LFD, LFG and whatnot is where the community aspect of the game fell apart.

Not only do these take away from community aspects, they cause farming methods to be out of control. Hopping servers to get rare spawns / herbs / nodes trivializes materials. Taking advantage of spawns trivializes BoE loot. It ruins the entire games community and economy. It’s actually horrible.

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think about it, if you have sharding you dont get rid of any sort of bottleneck, you just prolong it. everyone would be able to level quickly at the same rate as eachother and you would just have everyone moving through zones together so where does sharding end? without sharding sure you will have a rough start but you allow the player base to spread out, some people might grind, some people might quest and wait for mobs to spawn, whoever gets them first can move on quicker. sharding isnt the solution

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For all you pro sharding people i have a few questions for you

  1. What do you think should happen when the 10-20 zones are crowded just like the 1-10 zones were? the goal is starting zones sharded only. contrary to belief, 10-20 is not a starting zone. a starting zone is a zone you start in, and you don’t start in Westfall or Barrens.
  2. what do you do when the tourist fall off isn’t as much as expected on some servers? say a server ends up with 10,000 active players? are you going to be okay with queues then, or are you going to cry for sharding to be expanded.
  3. what is your opinion on world events (holidays) and AQ Launch. should those be sharded too?


If they shard beyond launch I’ll walk.

what do you consider “Beyond launch”
3 week limit? 6 weeks? 2 months?

Westfall only has 1 race piling into it, not 3, so it can’t be as crowded unless there’s a ridiculous number of players like having a 50,000 starter cap (which they shouldn’t do). It won’t be so crowded when 10-20% of the players get past 10.

The Barrens is large enough that people can either wait in queues for mobs, or take alternate routes like going to Ratchet and doing those quests first, or farming Harpies until people catch up to those quests. There’s enough room and mobs that even an overcrowded 600 person zone should still be workable (server willing).

Then they should have already closed off random selection to that server well before, when they started seeing people getting through the zones quickly, and opened up new servers.

Sharding isn’t the only element of a smooth launch. New servers when they can tell that higher zones will be populated too, are needed. Its a balancing act.

No, never.

3 weeks at most. It would definitely have to be past the first weekend though. After that people will be spreading out enough.

Only if they go for the pserver experience megaservers instead of vanilla ~3k servers. Retail vanilla had queues to login, so the servers can’t possibly have more people.

Now if we go with pserver like megaservers, sharding 1-10 won’t make a difference, because congestion will last well past the starting zone.

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false, many alliance players are known for going to westfall 2nd because deadmines.

but can you guarantee they will? blizzard has been known to react slowly before. believe me, i would hope they are fast on the uptake but…

what he’s say is vanilla launch only had like 350k people playing it. classic launch is expected to have millions.

Not my problem. If they want to go into an overcrowded zone… that’s their issue.

If they’re reading the forums, we’ve given them enough food for thought.

Maybe as an alternative to sharding, they can implement time limits on the first few days. once you run out of time, you go to the back of the line in que in order to continue playing.

And? That will have no impact on congestion. A server can only hold so many players. If we get vanilla server caps, zones can not possibly be any more congested than they were in retail vanilla.

and that’s why blizzard wants to use sharding

  1. they don’t want dead servers down the road. so since were expecting a lot of people to show up just to “See what classic is like”, they want to use sharding so those players, when they quit, don’t negatively impact the overall population.
  2. they don’t have to use more servers and do merges down the road.
  3. they don’t have hordes of people waiting in queue.

Except that sharding doesn’t fix those problems. What you seem to be suggesting is using pserver like megaservers. If you go that route though, you will need to shard more than the starting zones. Otherwise players will glide through their starting zone and then bottleneck in the next zone. If you aren’t going to shard those zones to deal with congestion, why bother sharding the starting zones.

They’re starting with “lean” numbers of servers. So the Queues will be tens of thousands of people.

I am all for the no rush mentality… and if people are actually doing the things you described than hell yea sign me up for a 12 hour run through Elwynn… but I highly doubt it will be anything more than a field of dead defias, and no grapes.