WAHH SHARDING, your say, your way, go

That will only occur if people who are more concerned with their personal demands than a smooth launch and long term stability, continue to kick up a fuss even though the actual event runs smoothly and then is switched off.

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“There were less servers previously.” doesn’t explain why there will be well more than 30…

If anything its an argument for there being only 20.

When this is Blizzards official statement, I will 100% agree with you.

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Until they make an official final decision statement, the best we have is their stated intention, which is to only use it temporarily at launch.

All things being equal, we go off what they’ve said, not assume they were intentionally lying.

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You do you boo. :hearts:

These are not the words of a team willing to say “Meh, shard everything whenever we want”.


In the past, Blizzard have gotten much worse publicity when their game launch is not playable compared to when there was an unpopular feature. And Blizzard have long since learn from that and hence why they are going for the lesser of 2 evils which is sharding, ‘we’ have ‘train’ them too well on the consequences if we cannot play their game during launches in the past.

I can imagine if Blizzard did put queues on for Classic launch (instead of sharding), after a week of 4-8 hour login queues, Blizzard will be bombarded by thousands of players demanding sharding be turn on so that they can login and play.


I do not disagree with this one bit.

There would be far more “bad press”, and complaining, about server queues than sharding. Including, I have no doubt, from many of the people complaining now about the possibility of sharding.

Oh, I agree. And the literal ‘press’ will not be people complaining about sharding, but rather the ones panning Classic to the shareholders because of the “long queues and constant crashes”.

Except it won’t be 1 minute and no one asked to be spoon fed, you realize with sharding you’re still going to be waiting because each shard will literally have hundreds of players doing what you’re trying to do.

It just needs to go away once the servers normalize, that’s what most of us are afraid about… we don’t want it to stay. It ruins immersion and causes issues with resource node farming where people can just invite you to their phase and you stand in one spot and look for nodes. It is abuse-able

My honest opinion is no sharding; lets just deal with the congestion as a shared experience, and move on.

“They will lose numbers”, who cares. The kind of people who are going to give up after 9 days because “too hard, lag blurgh” are the kind of people who requested watered down WoW in the first place. Good riddance. They will come back after 2 months anyway and the problem will be gone.

The real clientele for vanilla have waited SOO many years, never giving up, always requesting in the face of so much trolling(even from Blizz). I reckon the “launch problems” are time limited and negligible in the big picture. This is assuming, of course, that the server technology really does flat line as hard as people think it will.

If it HAS to be in, I hope to god its just valley of trials for 1 month and then stopped.

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OK, OP - if you want a “smoother” experience at launch, you launch the game by popping it on the launcher and don’t announce it. Let word of mouth carry the game’s launch.

This would piss people off, but you’d have folks still at work instead of taking a vacation to play a video game.

It’s also not a guarantee that the entire experience would be good, as news spreads quickly.

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Ok, So first off: You can not complete quests in a Raid.

Secondly, when a quest item drops, only 1 person in the group can loot it. Grouping only makes questing faster if it’s a kill quest or an escort (shudder).

And as I’ve pointed out in previous topics; Players who have the ability to instantly tag mobs from range will have no incentive to group up. If the quest is to collect 10 bear asses, a party of 5 will have to collect 50 before moving on. Ranged players are not going to multiply the time it takes them to complete a quest when they could instead complete it quickly and stay ahead of the curve.

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These people will earn a reputation in Classic, as you couldn’t just transfer/change name in Classic. And unless you are an absolute huntar* you will remember times you were in struggle town and help each other out.

Community is what Classic builds. Community.

Those dogs who ignore that and play selfishly gain a rep - also they were few and far between in my experience.

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Ravencrest is full

Position in queue: 62743

Estimated wait time: 86 hours

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I have an extremely hard time believing that when you’re grouping up for dungeons/raids that you will remember every single player who took a mob tag from you rather than invited you to a group.

Fighting for tags is something that happens 100% of the time in this game. Your portrayal of it being some scumbag thing is overstated.

I appreciate that you have an ideology of some noble way to play this game. The open world is going to be extremely busy. Players will be concerned with completing their quests amidst the chaos. For every person who tags a mob before you; they will have it done to them as well. There’s no need to be dramatic as if this reality is on par with loot ninjas.

I think your idea of ranged people never grouping is dramatic. So we are even

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My solution is deal with it. We dealt with it back then and it resolved itself with time. I don’t think there needs to be something implemented.