WAHH SHARDING, your say, your way, go

I can already see it as memorable lmao, 500+ people all going for the one named mob in each starting zone.

A few weeks still seems excessive. The vast majority will be out of the starting zones in a few days.


As stated by many people in the past. Sharding at the beginning isn’t a real issue and dynamic respawns really doesn’t fix anything as there will still be an overpopulation issue. now I know others will say “Oh but that’s normal that’s fair” but to be honest do we really want 8000 people in elwynn forest fighting over a few kobolds or Hogger? Maybe some do and I can see that but I feel the majority wouldn’t want that much congestion. So I believe sharding for a short time (maybe a week) and only in the starting zones sounds pretty fair for the issue blizz forsees


See, it’s this kind of argument that irritates me. They’re not going to have 8000 server caps. Get real. You don’t need to make ridiculous proclamations to get your point across.


No. obviously they won’t have 8k server caps BUT servers will be capped on launch and the flooding will happen. you can’t just pretend that it won’t.

Seeing tons of people and competition for mobs is kind of cool and adds to the experience. Yes, it will be memorable, however there is a point of diminishing return. Especially in the 1-5 areas.
Realistically, it is going to be 400 -800 depending on the popularity of the races and the size of the servers.
800 in such a small are is too many.


Typically the answer is:

  • Queues are good. When we were young we waited on queues both ways, in the snow!
  • P Servers used Dynamic Respawns, something Blizzard did once 13 years ago then threw it out because it was a horrible idea. But it worked for Private Servers because they have no other viable option like Sharding.
  • Real men wait in line and authentic queues are authentic
  • When my P Server started, we had 15k in a zone and it was horrible, but its better than whatever the Flavour of the Month Hate-On is.

“Realistically” its going to be 2-3 million people trying to log into a small number of servers. If they increase the cap you have far more than 800 in a zone. If they don’t you have queues.


I guess personally I would prefer restricted sharding at earlier levels, only if it didn’t exist outside of the first zones for each race.

However that’s only against alternatives as currently we aren’t sure what to expect in regards to participation (perhaps Blizzard seriously needs to look at polling this), all we can assume is that that majority of people that decide to give it a go, will also decide not to continue after a short while.

If this ends up being the case, I would have preferred to have limited server options available with initial sharding so that when the populations die down and stabilise we don’t have 33% on server A, 25% on server B, and 42% on server C.

There needs to be a way to accommodate the large quantity of people who will just be visiting whilst not impacting long term server population.

If you keep original caps for starters they won’t. They’ll all be waiting in queues.

You’ll HAVE to group up for your quest updates. That is the point, work together to overcome the problem.


This all comes down to guesswork on how many people will show up. They said their going to use a “lean” amount of servers but even if that’s as many as 30.

Without Sharding/Raise Starter Caps
30 Servers x 3000 Player = Max 90,000 players before queues.
Assuming equal players per race (it won’t be but still):
375 in Tirisfal Glades, Teldrassil, Elwynn Forest, Mulgore
750 in Durotar, Loch Modan (plus super unstable)

With Sharding/Raised Starter Caps
30 Servers x 15000 Players = Max 450,000 players before queues.
Assuming equal players per race (it won’t be but still):
1875 in Tirisfal Glades, Teldrassil, Elwynn Forest, Mulgore
3750 in Durotar, Loch Modan

Using High Pop Shards
5 Shards of in 375 in Tirisfal Glades, Teldrassil, Elwynn Forest, Mulgore
10 Shards of 375 in Durotar, Loch Modan.

Tell me again how not sharding means you’re not competing for quest mobs, encountering hundreds of people at once, and generally having a high population time again?

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They had 20 set up for the Demo. There will be more than 30.

Flamebait title makes your attempt to troll too obvious.

Report and move on, everyone.


Explain to me again how there’ll be more than 30?

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Queues might help keep out the tourists, as those of us who are looking at Classic as our home for the next few years should be able to withstand some waiting (hell, we’re mastering it right now!).

A duel release of the next retail expansion and Classic would also help with the tourist problem, as the spicy new content would be more attractive than the museum piece for the tourists.


If the expected 2-3 million or more people turn up at the same time, even with sharding on 30 servers, you’re still looking at having queues of 85,000 people per queue.

“Estimated Wait: 11 days”


I’d keep my queue up, but many would give up quickly if they saw that message. If I’ve waited a decade to play Classic again, 11 days is childs play. :smile:


They want a far smoother launch day.

I don’t know that “I could have been World First Level 60, but I had to wait in queue longer than it would have taken me to get to 60” is an acceptable refrain from the player base when attempting a smooth successful launch.

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Bad press / taste from excessive sharding vs. bad queue times due to higher-than-expected interest. Debatable whether which represents a smoother launch.

Again? Go read my previous post.