WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

Nice, when are the Draenei butts coming to Australia?

You may have to use your vivid imagination for the horns, hooves and tails, but there are lots of beaches around here with that sort of thing. :peach: :bikini:


That is like every single beach along the Great Ocean Road in Vic(Surfers in the North or probably Bondi in Syd i didnt really visit Sydney, I just sorta drove past it one time) at least in summer anyway.

Winter… you’re not likely to see many Draenei rears

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Same here. I am just trying to knock out the story quests on my “main” Paladin. Then I’m good. Not planning on doing much more.

Been trying to finish the Sojourner of Azj-Kahet and having a hard time finding/finishing “All Good Things”. It is all I need to finish.

And… Done! Last quest I need to pick up was way off in a corner of Hallowfall. Where I have missed it for weeks…


They can wait their turn.

My area is deficient in Draenei butts as is

And I’m sorely wanting.

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But it’s hip to be square and their chili and baconator fries are superbious.

Heart clogging goodness.

Is this is why we haven’t seen Hawkens?

All those chili cheese fries caught up to him?

Hang in there Hawkens for now on you’re eating what the draenei are eating.

Salads and cabbages.


Don’t be greedy!

Zeno, that looks delicious :drooling_face:

That’s a point in their favor, it’s about the only place I know of where I can get a burger with chili on the side.

It’s not especially splendid chili, but it’s close enough to scratch that itch.

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Chili cheese burger!

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Too messy for my liking. But I can see the attraction.


I’m a butt lover and will not apologize for it.

/Nudges elf to the side

Yeah! We too need sentient humanoid goats! I mean, we already have lots of goats, but you can’t legally stare at those! I mean you can… but people’ll think you’re a WEIRDO.

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Sends out the draenei search party to look for Hawkens…


people totems just made it official in discord she loves pizza hut.

Does each totem summon a fork and a knife to eat the Pizza Hutt though? This is the real question!

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yes. along with a pizza hut pizza.

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I volunteer to be alien warped into a sentient goat… actually I might wait till like it becomes a fad.

For some reason I feel like the first of any new kind is ripe for getting kidnapped and dissected. People suck

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Early adopters must suffer. It’s practically a universal law. It’s why we say never buy version 1.0 of anything.


Get transformed into Draenei.
Start lucrative modeling career.
Make many monies.

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puts chili cheese fries under a box proped up with a stick suspiciously tied to a rope