Who wants to bet the goblin car we’re getting will fall apart as soon as we drive it off the lot.
I would trust a gnome rather than a goblin.
Goblin engineering are always a death trap, I picked the wrong faction.
I’m getting the feeling it’s a sick shift.
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Hm. Pondering WoW. Have 14/15 toons at 80, most in prepatch gear peppered with hand-me downs from toons that got drops.
Do I level another toon, gear existing 80s…continue questing on my main…
Several months of logging in all toons, answering questions, etc. has spoiled me. Now I feel at a loss as to what to do in game.
Spent this morning gearing my rogue on Siren’s island, so now he’s kitted out in all veteran gear at least.
Evenings I usually play with a friend, but she had 5400 ms latency last night and ended up spending the evening with tech support and her router. Tonight I’m solo again which I usually look forward to but now … meh?
What to do…
And you wonder why there are so many offsprings
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Big yawns trying to write this post it might be bedtime.
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No mystery, I accidentally stumbled into Malorne’s Refuge one night. /joke
There’s only one Offspring
stars singing Gonna Go Far kid
it has an f bomb so I can’t post the song
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Just one? Rookie numbers… infinite bombs
That’s all? 20 minutes at work and I’m using the F word like a comma.
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don’t blame me, blame the forum rules
I blame the forums for a lot of stuff. Like a lack of Draenei butts, for instance.
Apparently Wendys is coming to Australia.
Cheeseburgers aren’t supposed to be square.
Wendy’s is OK. I like their burgers, square or not. Whataburger is better, though. And this little shack ‘round the corner from my house has the best burgers of all.
/White Castle has entered the chat
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From what I hear they have an even worse reputation than Taco bell ?
I’m in a VC with muricans and I’ve been told:
Burgers aren’t the worst and probably beat McDonalds. Rest of it sucks and there are way better food places, especially for fries.
Focus on main. I was in the same boat as you earlier in December. Lots of characters but kinda feeling like I had too many with too many plans.
Locking my ‘investment’ to two characters and the rest are going to maybe just be there for event drops/LFR and Glad sets.
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