WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

what about halloween font.
sure to enrage any teacher you meet.


no free flying.

wild. they got a picture of my un-moisturized hand on the left there.


ok buddy. you asked for it.

quake before this display of food.
an assertion of my power.

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I am hunting exotic beasts since MM is going no pet.

I have picked up Loque’nahak, King Krush and Arcturis in the last 24 hours.

Meanwhile this popped up on my youtube playlist a couple of days ago:

IMY2 - Wicked Game (Chris Isaak Cover)

IMY2 - High and Dry (Radiohead Cover)

They are a cover band and have a lot of stuff on their channel. Interesting voice. Very clear. Fun to watch the progression over the last year.


“so, you guys wanna record in the studio’s lounge?”

lol my dumb humor aside, the sound and the aesthetic is solid


Yeah. :slight_smile:

Like the Surfrajette Toxic cover that was filmed in the living room of one of the band members. They posted on youtube and it went viral. (I linked it upthread.) I don’t think they have quit their day jobs, but I know they are touring now. Which is cool.

Not a fan of big music really. There are so many small bands with awesome talent that probably will never make it big. So I try to throw a few dollars out when I can.


that’s awesome!

these are old friends of mine - we used to jam together - but this is his latest band. I’ve not talked to him in a loooong time though.

This sounds pretty good.


well guess im gonna get banned. goodbye.

“Why do you say that?”

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I caught a Draenei rolling around in mud.

Her reaction was “You don’t see this…”

During my divorce… process… I took guitar lessons. Acoustic Steel String Bluegrass. I have always been a fan of “story” songs and folk songs.

Mega fun. However…

We spent some time listening to music and discussing what each band member brought to the table. After that I could never listen to music the same way. I came back after my first lessons and told Steve - “You ruined it man!” lol

I used to just go watch my friends and… like noise came out and it was good. After a couple of lessons I was more tuned into things like the base line, chord changes. Whether the guitar was just doing chords or working runs in now and then.

It gave me a greater appreciation for what goes on up onstage. I like live music even more now. Especially for the rough edges. If the band is cool and has a good vibe going it’s all golden.

So finding bands on youtube is fun times. Doesn’t really matter if they are mega polished. Just ditch the autotune, and put on a show. :slight_smile:

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i generally always prefer live versions of songs, you can get so much more of the personality and humanity of the musicians than the pristine studio versions.

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i love that outfit.

I’m 64. Done some stupid things, some good things. I am who I am. Everything I have done in life makes me who I am today. I claim all of it. When the score is tallied at the end I hope the balance is on the good side and I’ve left some good stories behind.

Life has taught me to live in the moment.

  • Reliving the past and playing “coulda, shoulda, woulda” just leads to remorse.
  • Worrying about tomorrow just generates anxiety.
  • I try to clear my mind and enjoy whatever I am doing at the moment.

I don’t worry about stuff I don’t have any control over. Does this mean I don’t plan? Nope. I plan “enough”. Then don’t worry about it.

Your brain is sometimes your hardest and toughest critic. Sometimes I have to just unplug and look around.

Yeah - I know, easier said than done.

My kitty cat is always there and I love her dearly. Give gus a scritch and maybe take him for a walk.

Today I was out on the moto for a couple of hours. Sunny and 50 degrees here in January! In the Portland OR Metro area! Was a good time to get out and go for a ride. Dang near froze tho…


i think its the last night before the anniversary event is done