WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 8)

some lounge music for the lounge

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I like our new alien bartender :alien: :cocktail:


truly out of this world. i call her SETI

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opens a childrens book and begins reading to missqqmoar

read it backwards, and pretend youā€™re a snake, so you add lotssss of sssssā€™esss

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those three billy goats areā€¦


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Gives the big bad wolf a bath and flea treatment, then a collar and leashā€¦
/Walkies furballā€¦

ok, so, the collar and leash changes the ā€˜vibeā€™ of this

huckle cat attack.

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sees the huckle cat

huckle cat attack.

richard scary books coming aliveā€¦to slaughter you.

that is one peculiar cat

It was fairly wholesome and innocent, maybe my reputation preceded me lol. I wasnā€™t actually suggesting anything like those guilds on Moonguard, with names like ā€˜Collars of Supremecyā€™

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I had heard of Huckleberry Finn, but only recently realised it was an actual berry :blueberries:

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Also, they need Mavis Beacon. Itā€™s Supremacy.

I didnā€™t really get the reference, my touch typing sucks.

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i will oft ref mavis beacon - or bacon if i typo - during dungeon runs

i will also say that as long as i get most of the consonants correct, weā€™re in business, the vowels are optional

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