WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

I am back. and ready to…alleria knocks bread unconcious and drags them somewhere…

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Thats not Alleria, thats Hawkens in a blonde wig. Hes gonna torture you by stuffing chilli fries till you explode :grin:

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Good morning, Wagglers.

Great start to the day. Train is late, which means we’ll miss the connection and who knows when I’ll get in to work. So much for having any time at all today, it is back to back meeting day until I go home. :stuck_out_tongue:

And the time just got delayed again, no announcements.

:coffee: :coffee: :coffee:

Edit: Yup, missed the connecting train. Pre covid, they would have waited. Now I am on a super local, so going to be late for work. :stuck_out_tongue:


My brain always hears the lyrics as “boneheaded woman”


Enunciation becomes a challenge in the falsetto range. I’ve never heard it that way myself, but now that you mention it, I can see it.

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Eaten by a ravenous pack of sharks.

Not even a strand of hair left I’m afraid. Guess they were hungry.

still hungry, i saw one eat twelve goblins.

I want pizza today… I hope I don’t have to fight the fam for wanting Taco Tuesday.

Taco Tuesday is the law

a man in a helmet is saying `` i am the law '' in front of a fire .


Im going to stop by the Mexican food truck later and get me some tacos.


not if i have anything to say about it. WELCOME TO A TACO FREE WORLD!
points the satelite at the taco truck

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emperor of mankind hates taco tuesdays.


Another night of successfully avoiding the Draenei huntresses.

Now, whyever would anyone want to avoid a Draenei huntress? Are we not cute, or something?

Maybe it’s that Draenei Huntresses are cute but people take it like venomous animals and assume they mean harm when they actually don’t.

They are just coming for a morning visit… :ping_pong:

cause she has a gun, and a gun is the best magic a normal man can cast.


A gun’s aight if you have nothing better at hand.

But sometimes what’s needed is the cleansing power of MOAR FIRE.

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i gave someone at work my last piece of chocolate
and now i hate myself for it. im wiggin out lol
