WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 7)

a man wearing a hat and a suit looks at the camera


Sometimes the gun and nuclear fire is the solution

Scorched Azeroth policy?

I’m personally fond of an ancient martial art: Shik-Shik-Boom.

To be sure, a weapon whose minimum range is less than the blast radius makes me itch all over.

Of course, there might have come a time when you needed the godless Commie pigs to be extra-super-dead and you’re not picky about whether or not you go with ‘em… But such were my nightmares of the late ‘80s, and I’m content to let those thoughts stay there.


going to another day of being yelled at and blamed for everything at work.

You should of ate tacos before work you would of went to work happy.

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This is why I don’t do customer service anymore.

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larry dans servers have no downtime ever :100:

we arent goblins!

the master himself, indiana johnes does it better.
or his wow sona is, harrison jones

Maybe, but some of us trained with them, and have acquired a taste for extra spicy kabooms.

that’d be engineers.
and i rather prefer my explosives not explode prematurely.

/loads spray bottle just in case

Yes, premature demolition can be a very embarrassing problem.


/sprays with water

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That is, indeed, the central problem of pyrotechnics design. No kaboom until the kaboom is wanted … which can be tricky, since most forms of explodium are quite touchy and require delicate handling.

Which is why C4 is such remarkable stuff. Unlike nitro which will go boom if you look at it cross-eyed, C4 stoically refuses to explode unless you use a detonator.

I am married, therefore no Draenei lifeguards unfortunately, just send the missus in in a two piece bikini or wait for me to naturally respawn…


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They get very grabby with the game animals.

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They could get grabby with you.

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