WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 5)

finally THANK YOU. keep the back ups seperate from the other servers in their own isolated database. like i didnt lose anything but geez i feel sorry for those who did.
this is how the raid theory works.

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And what if the data corrupted or missing it won’t matter if you back it up. There was a bug that deleted some of the data .

/facepalm. if you back up the data and then ISOLATE THOSE BACKED UP SERVERS YOU STILL HAVE THE BACKUPS THAT ARE UNCORRUPTED. aka disconnecting them from the servers completely.
like idk how to make this any more clearer.

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“Use the information stored to remake the original data.”

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But what if the data was missing before the backup. I doubt they backup daily.

then its on them to make their customers whole. their problem. I have zero sympathy nor care for corporations.
also if they arent doing at least monthly backups they fail at the data backup game and need to just end wow.
dont want to spend money backing up servers. worlds smallest violin for microsoft and their greedy shareholders.

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I set my computer to backup my data every 2 weeks if new data gets somehow deleted in between it is gone restore won’t help

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i backup my data manually so that doesnt happen. and if it does its either because i did it on purpose or whoops thats on me my bad. i expect at least the same from a corporation. but its easy to tell these 7-8 restarts dont include backups anymore. and now its biting them in the butt big time.

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BUt it is still gone you can’t bring it back . To be sure i am not supporting blizzard but things like this happen.

“Admitting that they blew it would be a good start, but their egos won’t let them.”


True i like the saying " to error is human but to really mess up you need a computer " . That what my drill instructor call the newspaper version .


“They told us Classic was no longer around too, but look where we are now?”

“I think if they put on their thinking caps, and really gave it a 100%, they could get back a lot more than they have.”

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Well classic part was from the independent servers that had it .

bread. if you are lurking.
have you tried sodabread?


whats that? i mean…no ive been arguing for the last 30 minutes…totally not here.
okay people. i remembered. i have yet. to post in that one special thread.

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posts cant be empty my butt. FIGHT ME DISCOURSE.
now people STOP distracting me from a fight with them.
is it a fight? oh no i have to take out this recyclable.
okay must made lobster vbisque., people i am gonna talk a big game tonight but not do anything.

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are you. are you mocking me.

This ice cream tastes so good