“Once they hook you up, you are there until you die.”
well, that’s unfortunate…
“So that Dance Barn don’t sound too bad now, does it?”
I remember making that dragon’s breath chilli and breathing fire on bad furbolgs.
lol very true! only thing they’re draining you of there is energy!
…and not like, soul energy. just movement-energy… and possibly sweat.
yes, i suppose it would.
now if you excuse me… i gotta drag in this spore crawler in for a stirfry rice…
something about a panda chef wanted to cook up.
it does if you cant Dance
(attempts to waggle into the barn, trips himself with his tail and falls back through the doorway out of there)
The next person that posts on this thread will win the lottery!
waggles into warthin pantrunning.
which one?
The prize for the lottery win is a walloping with the rubber chicken…
member me when you hit the big one!
Sometimes the rubber chicken is just a normal garden variety rubber chicken, assuming there was no fowl play involved
nice. that was nice.
/running pounce
/big hugs
“Where ya been hiding?”
“Many have been missing you.”