WAGGLE Megalounge and Thread (Part 3)

Oh snap it made a part 3! GASP


(follows the pathway, bumping into rocks and things along the way)

whatever they’re doing in that barn that they need me for, i hope i can be helpful

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(Soon you start to hear some really cool music. Unlike you have ever heard before.)

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(rubs his chin, stroking along his beard and facial tentacles as he gets closer and closer to the barn, seeing it just over the hill)

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/drags in a dead drake into the kitchen


(As you approach the door, you see inside. It is full of dancing, flashing lights and glow sticks. All moving to the music.)


wow. that’s
 not quite what i was expecting in there
 i was expecting various draenei of all kinds hooked up to machines, and being pumped for
 whatever it is they’re attempting to gain at this farm

(hesitantly puts a hoof in the doorway, looking about cautiously)

“You didn’t say WHICH Barn you wanted to visit.”


 there’s more than one barn???

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“I did say there are many.”


oh. then i was’nt paying attention. well, if you need to pump
 whatever it is you need to pump out of us draenei, i volunteer! 
though, i can’t promise quality, what with all the fel in my blood.

that’s what your trying to pump out of us, right? blood?

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“You don’t want that. Trust me.”


Bread is the mistress of many barns. Don’t tell the treacherous Aimee their secret locations.

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/continues dragging in random weird monsters into the kitchen, this time being a giant spore walker from outlands

what, to volunteer myself, so some other poor draenei does’nt have to suffer having their essence pumped out of them? yes. yes i do. i need to redeem myself in the eyes of my people somehow, and darn-it, if i have to be drained of
 whatever, i’ll gladly be drained!

and by essence i mean whatever it is you’d be taking out of me.

Hawkens famous Drake Bake ?

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So that would make you a drainei?

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“So you want to be turned into a Living Blood Bank? Only good for producing Blood the rest of your life?”

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makin dragon fire chili!
along with other dishes.

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well no, but if i could do it on occasion to help, i would.

(man, i probably should’nt be roleplaying my character on the forums like this)