Waaah! Not my free epix! I quit!

We are talking about blizzard. Do you really thing some middle manager couldn’t dream up something that stupid?

There are people who just like to play arena, but the vast majority do it for gear.

It won’t be fun for people trying to hit glad and only having 2-3 other teams to compete against

Except the announcement specifically says purchase and equip, so until they clarify otherwise, dropping below 2050 personal rating would mean losing the ability to even equip that item.

“Omg i can’t get free PvP gear, game is ruined”

As a #NoChangers it a type of change i was expecting from the #SomeChange. It just make the game better without adding future features.

So if some classes are effectively locked out of a gear upgrade because of this #somechanges, let’s get a #nochanges and have Kara, Mag, Gruul’s, SSC/TK released at launch.

Who is locked out of a gear upgrade?

enhancement shamans, and since tbc arena is notoriously balanced I am sure they’ll be fine

You’re talking about the offhand?

If they are mirroring S4, then its quite possible the offhand won’t have a rating requirement as it didn’t then either though MH did. They were made OH only, had no rating requirement and a substantially lower point requirement similar to caster offhands

You mean non resto shammy ;D

You will not be able to carry someone to 2200 in TBC. Those that could do this will be too busy getting that rating for themselves.


Hi! I need Resilience.

Now im convincerd beartroll and fasc and the facist with 8million posts is the same sweaty soul.

Yea, I was thinking about droods. Yall do get shafted though you still get the offset pieces. I still cant say I feel thaaaat bad for you. :stuck_out_tongue:

Pretty sure its short for Fasciae not Fascist but I dunno? What if we are the same person? What if everyone else on the forums is just an AI designed to screw with your head! Its all a conspiracy man, you nailed it!

No you don’t. It’s just harder to gear in Defense. Plus afaik you’d only really want the bracers and belt, which require no rating.

Unless Fasciae and Bearhands are the spawn of a multiple personality disorder, I can assure you they have diverging viewpoints fairly regularly.

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It’s more like an hour or so playing arenas for like, 5+ weeks actually. More. Time than you’d spend doing gruuls lair to get a decent weapon in a lot of cases. I don’t mind rating requirements but everything else seems unnecessary and I’d prefer the system be left as it originally was.

thank you for proving my point your tone and attitude match…btw when your talk to yourself it is comedy gold, just not worth engaging such a petty sweaty.

Here’s the reality, Bearhands: despite the fact that half the player base acts like they have been gladiator, that number is actually about 1% of the player base. So this completely unnecessary change just made it so that an average player can on longer enjoy arenas and eventually be rewarded with competitive gear.

Without the rating requirement change, you got fewer points at lower ratings, better players were still rewarded with access to gear (and especially weapons) first.

Now, fewer players will participate in the first instance because there is now a skillcap required to even get a reward. And although anonymous internet weebs like to use the “get good” mantra, the truth is that the system precludes a significant number of players from EVER getting gear gated behind rating because: 1) they are simply not good enough at the game to get it; and 2) fewer players participating in arenas mean the pool is more saturated with skilled/no-life pvpers.

It’s an idiotic change and I don’t understand it. If we wanted this, we could simply play retail. Go check out the absolute barren wasteland that is competitive arenas in retail. You know why it’s like that?


You could have shortened this to “people are mad they actually have to work towards getting their gear and won’t be able to blow through everything in 5 weeks.”

No. People are mad because despite their investment of time and energy in the game, they are now likely to get nothing. Rating requirements were a terrible idea in the first place. If they wanted to change arena gearing, increase the number of games required to get points or increase the cost of the gear. But a rating requirement is a way to create two classes of players: skilled (often elitist no-lifers), and everyone else (99% of the playerbase). Now arenas will be like they are in retail, just a handful of those elitist players running fotm comps and abusive strats over and over.

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