Waaah! Not my free epix! I quit!

This goes against everything the classic community has been asking for!

Content should not be difficult. Requiring rating for arena gear completely removes my ability to farm epics without winning/killing anything, and that is totally counter to the entire spirit of Warcraft and MMO’s in general. This is an absolute travesty.
I was promised the ability to get a BIS PVE weapon by spending 10 minutes a week losing arena games… and if this is no longer the case I just can’t see myself continuing to invest in this game.

What’s next? Am I going to have to actually kill raid bosses for tier gear?
This is ridiculous Blizz and it wont stand…


You need to play arena to get said arena gear, ratings weren’t implemented til season 3.

So I probably won’t be playing for fun at all, if at all. This will however incentivize paid carries.

Think RMT is bad now?


Paid carries will have their own PR and further to go so it won’t be near as easy/profitable. And since the buyer will need to maintain the rating to equip the weapon they can’t just pay to get carried and buy the weapon.

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If there is gear locked behind a rating, there will be paid carries. That’s it


And then what do they do with that gear once they get it considering if they do any more arena matches and lose from their inflated rating they’ll lose the ability to use the weapon? I guess they can look real cool with it in Stormwind?

I mean god help anyone who gets sick and can’t do arena and loses their rating

There’s stupid decisions that Blizzard has made, then there’s this crap

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Arena doesn’t decay. Try again

Yall are actively LOOKING for reasons to get outraged over a system you don’t even understand…


Oh even better, so once you get the gear you quit pvping altogether


My big question is the way it’s worded makes it sound like you have to keep the rating to use the gear or it becomes unusable…if that is true Blizzard is more incompetent than we thought or everyone who said they hate their playerbase was right.

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That would be the option if you want to pay to get carried yes. Which brings us back to… what’s the point then. Which brings us back to… THIS ACTIVELY HURTS CARRIES

It means you can’t pay a carry to buy a weapon. Its a huge blow to the Real Money traders everyone is always on about

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This hurts good pvpers as well. If you get the gear, why keep playing if you could lose the rating?


Probably do 5v5 for points after.

Waaah! Not my free epix! I quit!



I mean I get it and that type of trash needs to be dealt with but I think say I get my shoulders and lose my next game and I suddenly can’t use them is a weird way of going about it. I’m more or less ok with the requirements (prefer original way it was however) but a permanent “keep” the rating as your are working to climb is whack and never has been done like this before.

I mean… if the gear were the only reason anyone did PVP everyone would quit after they got it anyway… That’s not the case because particularly in PVP the gear is a means to an end… not the end itself.

I am not seeing any serious glad/arena players who are happy with this change, I’m sure there’s a few around.

I do see concerns that this will seriously drop the arena population, which is something that is not good for anyone who wants to live in the arena come launch.

Serious pvpers aren’t scared if some pve heroes get pvp gear because they know their skill is higher, and a higher pvp pop casual or hardcore is of a net benefit to the health of the game.


I literally don’t think you understand what irony is.

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It’s going to do what happened in retail and F the lower part of the bracket and cause deflation again…you will see people trying to climb get squashed by the same combo of higher gear/skill players like in sl when the qs are empty and the matches are uneven.

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You are outraged by other people’s outrage, thus dramatically amplify your projected outburst in a sarcastic way to voice your outrage about the outrage of others.

Irony - the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

Ironic Irony. You are so angry about the angry you think people are, that it’s a tantrum in itself.


Exactly, and exactly why many high skill pvpers aren’t thrilled. They want a healthy pvp population regardless of skill. Players like Savix are upset with current retail because it’s unfriendly to new players thus killing any new potential skilled arena players because they’re getting gated out of playing.

So uh, good luck to any shaman getting a high rating because tbc arena is the opposite of balanced.


Citation needed.