Waaah! Not my free epix! I quit!

Uh… What?

The arena system in TBC is fine the way it is. Even with its flaws, it’s still better than ranking in classic.

Paid carries existed back then. They exist now (in raids.) Flawed? Sure. Annoying? Yeah. If I was really that upset, I’d find another way to spend my time.

People are really obsessing about the “rating. Required to wear” line.

There is no way they’re stupid enough to make arena gear un-useable after you’ve already purchased it. What happens if the season ends? Or transfer?

It’s worded poorly. Once you buy it you can do with it as you wish. It’s not like you hit rank 14 in classic then lose the ability to use your gear after dropping to rank 10.


You are correct 100% and when idiots spam get gud as blizzard takes an axe to the middle class of the ladder it is much harder to practice and play teams in a way that on average gradually increases in skill and gear.

People get better by playing games against roughly even or slightly better teams over a period of time and rating will reflect that. Trying to do say a ladder climb at 1700 and playing 2k teams since no one qs (lack of incentive) and getting absolutely destroyed won’t let you learn too much.

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I agree that ultimately I think it’s probably not the intent and the wording was bad. But even if it’s not I don’t think it’s the end of the world.

There’s your citation.

Would also like to bring up the obvious since you and other gloss over it.

Original TBC
S1 - Introductory PvP Gear in a new expansion.
S2 - Better PvP gear with a much more expensive and time consuming path.
S3 - Powerful gear that needed a PvP specific metric to meet as PvE content of the same power level was not met by a large amount of guilds at the time.
S4 - Powerful gear that needed a PvP specific metric across more pieces of gear as many pieces were as powerful as some of the strongest pieces of PvE gear…when used in PvP.

T4 - Introductory PvE gear obtained easily and quickly for this new expansion.
T5 - Better PvE gear obtained through time and effort progressing through harder raids.
T6 - Powerful gear that were only accessible to a small number of guilds at the time it was released and needed similar metrics for top PvP ratings.
Sunwell - Powerful gear that required enough effort such that metrics were needed on more PvP pieces of gear to meet similar percentages of guilds clearing this PvE content.

Classic TBC
T4 - Introductory PvE gear obtained easily and quickly for this new expansion.
T5 - Better PvE gear obtained through time and effort progressing through harder raids.
T6 - Powerful gear that required enough effort such that metrics were needed on PvP gear.
Sunwell - Powerful gear that were only accessible to a small number of guilds at the time it was released.
S1 - Sunwell level requirements are applied immediately to the entry level PvP gear so that less players have PvP weapons from Season 1 than Clear Classic TBC Sunwell Raid.


Big yikes.

Zero idea what you’re on about

Actually, it’s a fundamental mistake with the pvp system to require the pvp gear have rating requirements. Want to know why? probably not, because you seem rather biased, but I’ll tell you anyways.

It gives a huge advantage to the best players, and has the players just below them always playing at a disadvantage. Can’t quite get 2050? Oh, well, you get stuck playing without your weapon or shoulders. Permanently.

Gear is the great equalizer in the game. All pvpers should have equal access to the gear. It’s a bad time entering arena knowing you’ll be playing without the same quality of gear of the teams you’re likely to face. And it will happen. You’re on the 2k bubble, you’ll be facing teams who have weapons and shoulders and there you are with inferior gear.


That was my thought after reading through that outburst of yours.

TLDR - Season 1 arena gear should have the same exclusivity as T4 (basically everyone does it) . Instead it has more exclusivity than Sunwell for an introductory PvP set.

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There’s a reason in arena competitions they have premades.

because pvp is supposed to be about skill, not who managed to outgear and sit on a certain rating.

Requiring ratings for season 1 is beyond stupid


Yall act like there is some cliff people are gonna sit at, stepping on the toes of anyone trying to climb over. Arena isn’t static… its relative. If a ton of people are having trouble crossing the 1800 threshhold and weapons are a HUGE advantage then guess what? The people who do have them are gonna end up well above 1800 and those below will eventually end up primarily matched against others without the weapons so it balances out.

Well until the next season but ok.

I woulda said “SKILL” is the great equalizer. Its odd that you’d say gear… and kinda telling really.

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No joke back during real tbc blizz set up a public arena test realm where you could make a new char and buy any combo of t4 and 5 and mix in pvp gear from s1 and 2. Everyone on equal footing and trying new classes out was a blast. Did that instead of real tbc for a bit.

I dunno if it’s reading comprehension or some kind of social disability but I think it was pretty obvious to any normal functioning individual that that was sarcasm.

If they are a good pvper they wouldn’t lose the rating at the rating required to get the gear. They will keep climbing and get their rating higher.

Also as pointed out, if you are someone that plays for Arenas, you don’t stop playing once you get all your gear.

Dont forget the mount is % based. The top 0.5% get gladiator.

If you gatekeep the gear behind rating, then casuals wont play. If you also require personal rating to use, then people will get boosted for the weapon, and not play that bracket again.

This change is bad for everyone, especially shaman.


People also forget 1800-1900 was a pretty acceptable arena range for people to hang in.

In tbc at that rating you were considered pretty decent. 2k was really really good. People weren’t pushing 3k ratings for arena in tbc.

This hurts everyone. It’s going to cause BGs to be a ghost town, and it’s going to throw a total wrench in the arena game.

Not everyone wants to be cutting edge and having to farm up to 2k and keep it is actually stupid.

How this will stop arena carries? It won’t. The carrier will just leave the team. It incentivizes carrying even more. Can’t get 2k? No problem. Jokin a 5s and get carried.

It says keep the rating not active playing. If everyone but you quits the team, you’ve got your rating. It’s almost like blizzard wants RMT for more accounts.

I’m actually disappointed in Bearhands. He’s usually a lot more logical and has better arguments than this. Again, I don’t know how anyone can even remotely agree with this change.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

A 5’s carry team is awfully inefficient with PR. You’ll have to win a TON of games to get a 0 rating player to 2k.

We have some serious pvpers in my guild getting ready but we also wanted to have drunk weekend 5s for fun now what’s the point?

Kinda kills the vibe


I’m buying carries right now!


In the storm strike battlegroup it was duelist.

People didn’t break 2400 til season 3.

Yeah, 2k was pretty good.