Vulpera: Whats it good for?

I’ve been playing classic since it released. I’m coming back and close to unlocking the Vulpera race.
(PvE) But i’ve noticed on “Hero Damage” that they are usually on the bottom on the list of classes for damage.
(PvP) Then I check “icy Veins” and I see no recommendation as a race for PvP.
What good is the Vulpera race?

Fun and happiness.


It’s great for farming stuff.

8 extra bag slots, a free hearth that can be set anywhere in the overworld.

They are cute as well. :woman_shrugging:

not everything has to be 100% justified via being PvE/PvP viable/cutting edge.

Vulpera will do just fine in most content no matter what.


What good are Orcs for? They just blow up and bring Demonic invasions onto worlds.

(Or maybe folks just want to play what they want?)


Being the most adorable.


We’re cute, cuddly, and deadly little bast*rds.


Your inner child.

Afaik racial sims are mostly insignificant to most of the player base. Casuals = low keys = don’t matter.

Mid-range players will probably have a simmed DPS in the 40k+ and perform at 30k to their weekly +15. Vulperas should be fine here.

High key pushers will racially sim but probably do a lot more. Class comps, dungeon planning, etc.


You can plonk your tent down and change talents/essences without a tome, which is handy.


Park your camp in front of that world boss with the mount you want and then go do whatever you want and instantly teleport in front of said world boss on Tuesday instead of going through the hoops and hurdles to manually get out there


Races in classic are “a big thing” that is understandable. Unless your playing cutting edge content or feel the need to have the best theoretical DPS neither allied race offers anything over core races.

Both offer amazing utility and are cute in their own way.

I don’t understand why people are so hung up on every number. To me it’s interesting and fun to play different races based off of fantasy.


Furry Bait.

Don’t you mean to say:

Absolutely nothing
Say it again, why’all


No one plays games to have fun.

Yes. Games are serious business.

Idk why people care so much about a slight number difference but hey if enough horde cry over it I guess it will get buffed. That’s typically how things work.

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It is good to make Alliance players salty AF.
It is good mostly to set their camp in front of a dungeon/raid/world boss that is really far away from everything, so you can just tp there, do your run and hearthstone back to Orgrimmar/Zandalar.

I have not leveled my Vulpera yet, but I’m surely going to leave it’s camp in front of Magister’s Terrace. Boy that place is far from everything else…

Hey, there’s one with the right name spelling waves

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Even then someone watching netflix on the same data line as your internet can off set that gain.

I’ve never understood people who play a toon they don’t really love the looks of for a 1% gain on DPS.