Vulpera: Whats it good for?

I only play my fox because of the front flipping.

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Cuteness. In pvp your opponent might be overwhelmed with the cuteness of your character. It giving you a few seconds of an edge while they stand there in awe.


Lol I had this name saved Months in advance



I think they’re great, have awesome shaman totems, look cool in armor, and have a frikkin campsite.



Vulpera is one of those races that relies entirely on their looks to encourage people to play them. And it’s been working, at least on my server - Vulpera are likely going to be numerous on any RP server that has even a slight Horde RP community.

And it’s also a race that most casual - or at least non-super-hardcore - players will change to just because they like how it looks, and because racials don’t actually matter as much as you think they do unless you’re raiding top 10 world, maybe top 30.

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Wait… you can?!?

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Yes! Your tent is a rested zone and comes with all of the benefits of any other rested zone. :grin:


You, friend, just made my day! :grin:

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That’s really effing cool.

Also, War. What’s IT good for?

They’re a race with a lot of flavour but one lacking in raw dps output compared to some of the others.

TBH their major ability (bag of tricks) feels… unfinished. Like it could have been something really cool but they ran out of time and shoved it out the door before it was fully baked. Its unlikely but I’m really hoping Blizzard tweak it a bit in the next few months and either up the damage a bit to make it worth using or turn it into a utility thing (e.g. you can trap enemies, turn invisible for a few seconds etc)

I will say I WISH they’d remove all of the combat abilities from racials. Stuff like the blood elf silence, the NE vanish, troll berserking are so situationally powerful that hard core players feel compelled to play that race - rather than one they might like/enjoy. Which seems a real shame.

1% racial bonuses don’t matter unless you’re racing for world first mythic raids.


Best word.

They are the conduit to the true masters of WoW, Dolly and Dot.

Mine was saved basically from when the speculation started that they MIGHT be playable.

Throughput racial abilities are super easy to tune, I wouldn’t expect any one race to be at a significant disadvantage to others for long. I’m reasonably sure the best and worst racials are still balanced to within 1% of one another anyway.

Absolutely nothing


We’re good for war

and we have Kiro who can justy divy up the tasks with efficiency

If you play Orc and then play any other race , you will feel the lack of the permanent stun resist. No need to be any world first …

I’ve been playing my hunter since day 1 and totally forgot about the campsite!! Sure is nice, isn’t it!!

It’s flavor. It’s a really neat tool to use and aesthetically it’s top tier.

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