Vulpera shaman or warlock?

On the one hand, i really love those vulpera totems.

on the other, I already have a dark iron shaman (they also have awesome totems) and I’m not a fan of doubling up on classes.

I’m probably going to be swapping my dwarf hunter to horde (still havent decided on a race for that even), so that I can level up and unlock vulpera in the first place (Previously I’ve only played alliance). I could make that character a vulpera via race change later on, but im not sure yet…

As far as the cute snake pet, is that something you can just tame anyways, or would you have to start a vulpera hunter at 20 to get it?

Argument doesn’t work since Zandalari cannot be Warlocks still and those make more sense than the Vulpera.

Zandalari lost their warlocks / outlawed it, or all the warlocks defected to being blood trolls, or were kicked out to Vol’dunn.


Most races don’t like warlocks being around. It’s why most of the time they are segregated entirely via Cleft of Shadows or the spooky portal in the Dalaran Sewers.

Hard to say. The idea of a tiny fox with a huge pet = win. But on the shaman side the totems are fantastic and if you’re willing to heal you’ll have an easier time finding a group.

So basically Warlocks were outcast in Zandalari Society, thus why you cannot play Zandalari warlocks.

Mmkay, makes sense.

I mean it makes more sense than Vulpera randomly wanting to pick up fel magic. There is at least a history of the Zandalari with the fel.

I mean if anything when the Vulpera want to start learning fel magic in a few months wouldn’t their newfound Zandalari allies be like “that’s not a good idea you shouldn’t do that” if they are so against it.

Mists destro was fine (just needed bit of tuning)

WoD destroyed it :expressionless:

blizzard hates fun. watch ur back!

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I will also say? From a pure transmog point of view the Vulpera are TINY. Probably the smallest race in the game as they’re thinner than gnomes or goblins.

Which means the more gear you’re wearing the more it clutters the model. Not necessarily a bad thing but shaman gear is very… chunky. Big shield, big mace, heavy shoulders etc. You might see more gear than little fox ^^

Very true re gear! Omg though, a survival vulpera hunter? That’d be amazing. Fits well thematically too!

Do we even know what the vulpera heritage armor looks like yet?

I think it’s what’s on the pics currently…? Not sure.

Im torn on whether i want to go Shaman or Monk, the totems are sooooo cute but WW can use fist weapons.

Or a Frost Mage for personal reasons lmao.

Ooooh, monk is a good call too :slight_smile: Haha, Fists of Foxy Fury!

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