Vulpera shaman or warlock?

Shadow and fire magic can be taught.

Demon summoning comes later and can also be taught.

yeah, I could see that being the case with the way they keep jerking classes around.
I HATED fury in legion. Now I cant get enough of it.
Find what works blizzard and leave it the hades alone.

but… WHERE are the demons coming from if we defeated them…? this is really hurting my head. it’s all cyclical. can’t be trained to be dh cause no demons, but can be warlocks even though there’s no demons, plus no interactions with the legion… gah…

Okay, so the burning legions defeat basically scattered the Demons everywhere, so their kinda out of reach.

Warlocks can Summon Demons from the Void directly, or by learning their names (I think that’s how it works)

Summoned Warlock demons when they die, don’t actually “Die” They just return to where they came from, therefore you cannot “Eat” them like you would actually finding a demon, therefore they cannot be used to fuel the creation of new Warlocks.

Warlock magic is more than just Fel Magic. There’s also Fire, and Shadow magic as well. Demon summoning is just one aspect of being a warlock, and learning how to summon a demon from the beyond isnt’ too difficult, most warlocks master it long before reaching their zenith.

So effectively, a Warlock can be trained by other warlocks, and demon summoning is just summoning a manifestation of a demon from the beyond.

However Demon hunters have special secret rights, and generally do not just adopt new people into their ranks, as their mission is one, completed with the burning legions defeat, and two, the sacrifices are pretty heavy, and will eventually lead all demon hunters to their own demises.

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your explanation is good, but unfoturnately, i still don’t get it. i mean… i remember ion saying in a q&a that the demon-hunters would be willing to train others when he was asked… so… screw it, i’m gonna stop trying to make sense of this and just accept it as game mechanics at this point… makes my head hurt too much.

Sorry, I hope your head feels better soon. :slight_smile:

Though the idea of Demon hunters training more demon hunters seems hollow and pointless now… Same with Death Knights, the hero classes are neat, but once their expansions kinda done with, and their purpose fulfilled, seems kinda, I dunno, moot?

Those totems they have are neat, definitely the selling point for me to decide to race change. Totems > mog for me usually

Male shaman has good animations imo on them. And being able to heal is cool too.

How long would it take me to unlock this race If I just stared for the rep?

2-3 weeks roughly maybe a tad more, you definitely have plenty of time to hit exalted before the patch drops I’m sure.

If you have Contracts?

Could be probably a week maybe a week and a half. Depends on if you get a few vulpera emissaries or not.

Can also get rep off the ship, from Voldanai Quests in Vol’dunn, from Voldani world quests, and small bits of rep from every world quest you do if you have the contracts.

I made a warlock just for BFA because I liked the revamped demonology… but ohh lord I regret it so much :c

I’d prefer to be playing my shaman any day. However I must warn you: I also really dislike the Shaman caster spec. However the possibility to play Restoration and Enchancement make it a much better option in my book.

Plus you know that Totem is gonna be cute as heck. Me? I’ll be making a Vulpera huntress. I REALLY wanna know what their pet is gonna look like tho.

Love the commentary! Shaman seems to be winning, thematically anyways. I love the idea!

Hunter seems like a great choice as well. Decisions!

Vulpera Shaman totem looks kind of neat.

it’s a snake. you can make one on the ptr right now if you wanna see what it looks like in game. :slight_smile:

Really? I’ll be checking it RIGHT NOW

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I’m 100% going Shaman. Been waiting for a pretty / cute Shaman race on the Horde.

yep. you can create one from scratch once the ptr finishes dling. :smiley:

Just checked it out and LOVED IT. Yup, gonna level a Huntress, no doubt about it XD. The snake complements the cuteness with a bit of badassery and manages to still be cute somehow. Awesome.

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yeah the pet is pretty neat. i’m debating how many vulpera i wanna make a hunter is definitely on my short list. :slight_smile: