Vulpera shaman or warlock?

I’m torn between these two for my new furry friend. I want a fun ranged class and have played both to nearly max level before. I definitely agree with the “play what you enjoy” but like both:)

What’re your guys’ opinions? I not sure which goes best with the Vulpera race. Hmm. I like the idea of an evil fox kinda, hah!

6 of one, half dozen for the other, it’s all the same stuff that we’ll put into the meat wagons.

Just loyalist things.

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Shaman, love how their totems look.


healz and DPS and I can get better DPS with Restoration Shaman than I can with any Warlock spec.

i’m race changing this warlock and leveling a shaman. why not both? :slight_smile:

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Yeah, the totems might be the selling point!!!

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Totems are adorable.

Trickster Fox Motif is cute too.

You have a goblin shaman, do you have a warlock? Maybe try the warlock if not.

go shaman. them being warlocks does’nt make sense. i mean, when did they start talking to the burning legion?

imo go Shaman. if DPS ques get in the way later down the line you have the option to heal.

They learned Warlock magic from Horde warlocks obviously, they are novice adventurers after all. :slight_smile:

Also the Trickster Kitsune Demon trope is pretty heavily played here

Mine is going to be a Shaman but thats because I got every class on Blood Elf and Shaman and Druid are the only two classes Im missing.

then how come no other races can be demon-hunters??

My vote goes to shaman as well.

Demon hunters decided A) no one was worthy. B) there are no more demons around with the defeat of demons so ya know, no demon souls laying around for be absorbed for training purposes, since you need a demon soul.

Go Warrior.

Can you imagine a furry little thing charging at you with a stick and board?

That would be funny as heck.


if there’s no more demons, how are the vulpera becoming warlocks?? also, not all dh need demon souls, most of them just… eat a demon. the lore just feels broken at this point.

best horde race with best class (warlock)

p.s. thank you for coming to terms with beign a disgusting goblin and wanting to be a proper race ^_~

except warlock dps is always viable (at leats 1 spec) where as shaman is hit or miss based on xpac.

Which is what takes in the demon soul… so they kinda do need demons.

Also, they learned warlock magic from Horde Warlocks, that are still warlocks post fall of legion. :woman_shrugging:

Can’t find a demon to eat, but summoning one from the Void for a void walker, or an imp from somewhere is much easier. And you can’t really eat a summoned warlock pet. So still kinda hard to fnd demons.

I don’t know why, but my troll can’t go vulpera. I’m not sure what it is about enhancement and being short, but I die so often when I don’t on my troll lol. I was goblin back in WoD and just had a super hard time with it. But I do plan on making a Vulpera hunter :slight_smile: Just not sure if I’ll go marks or survival, I really do love survival playstyle.

the thing is, dark-iron and nightborne locks make sense. they were warlocks before-hand, but the vulpera have no interactions with the legion at all, and that’s what’s confusing me the most.