I’d say Vulpera because I love their absorb damage on first hit from their racial. Makes everything easy. Then again, Goblins do have other conveniences too yet nothing in comparison to Vulpera simply because of their racials alone.
Personally, I go Vulpera because I purely hate Goblins in general.
They’re crystal murder towers and they’re awesome.
Don’t Vulpera and Goblins share casting animations?
I would go Goblin just because they have much more personality and feel more unique at this time in the game.
Vulpera are fine too. They’re just everywhere right now.
Tbh I WANT to like goblins but I hate their waddle run and casting animations. Vulpera sham for sure.
Hey, I fully embrace my popularity. I made this guy the night TBC launched. We make this Horde look GOOD.
That said, if one is going to make one of the less beautiful races, one should aim for uniqueness. My male Pandaren Mage alt is a testimony to this ideal.
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Rocket Jump is great but Vulpera have better totems.
Rocket jump is a pretty strong racial since Shaman lost Gust of wind *shakes fist at Blizzard *
But you can’t beat the smol fox. Double points for getting someone mad at you for playing the smol fox
Vulpera! You then are entitled to free hugs.
Always go with the cute… ALWAYS
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yes, you can make camp in the maw
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I went gobbo btw, love my steampunk totems
thanks all for your input
yeah I’d have to agree I’d pick Vulpera every time because I really don’t enjoy playing goblins. Vulpera got the make camp and return to camp, the bag of tricks, extra bag space, they’re adorable as can be, and unlike goblins their lore doesn’t involve the chance they’ve sold their own mother into slavery for a silver or power.
you say that like it’s a bad thing
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