Vulpera or Goblin shaman?

And why?
I want a shammy that is very smol (but will consider other options).

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Tough call

Vulpera are a dime a dozen

But goblins actually make me angry to fight


Goblin, I like the idea of a goblin having contractual agreements with the elements. Also rocket jump is too nice.


goblin rocket jump wins


I would encourage Vulpera strictly due to the fact that they can set down a camp in Orb and that would make travel time less annoying…

…plus, they’re cuter!


Me too, but it’s hard to decide cuz vulpera have those cute little totems. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Those fox totems are hard to pass. But Goblins also have some of the coolest totem models!

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Depends. If you want to do a female character? 100% Goblin. They’re so cute and funny. By comparison, the Vulpera option is… well… what it is. Just a runty little dog.

Having said that, the male Goblin is pretty dodgy. I don’t think I could do that. I would honestly pick the fox at that point.


I only play male characters. Tried females but it’s kinda weird, people assumed I was a woman irl.

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Go for the fox then I reckon. They’re pretty androgynous anyway.

Pay no attention to my profile because it’s currently messed up and displaying stuff I’m not wearing. The fact is I was faced with this decision last night when I decided to race change from orc male. Both races are pretty great. Both are small. Both can be adorable if done right. Both have decent animations across the board. So what made me go vulpera?

1: Tails. No this isn’t some furry fetish. Tails don’t just improve balance scientifically, they (in this case at least) seem to improve the visual balance of the character’s proportions when running around doing stuff. Goblins just seem a little more awkward in that regard.

2: Jump flips. About half my jumps are flips, like night elves.

3: Vulpera have a vastly superior sleep animation and wake animation. They curl up with their tails over their feet when asleep, and do a big yawning stretch on all fours when waking.


Vulpera because we’re cute and fluffy

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Goblins. All day.

Okay, listen. They don’t develop a relationship with nature. They don’t ask the earth, pretty please, to give them borrowed power.


A goblin shaman goes into the garage, pieces together a drill from scrap, and drives it into the ground, forcing the earth to give up the goods.

Goblin shaman. All day.

They don’t make jokes. They make money.

It’s the only correct answer.


This is my Horde shaman.

She’s the best looking Meriweather in all of WoW’s many realms. She doesn’t get much love because my people play alliance, but look at her!

She’s amazeballs. When it’s her turn in the alt rotation, which will be after I finish leveling my Horde druid, I’ll be doing some arena with Meriweather the goblin.

Yeah. You need one of these.

Trust your instincts.

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goblin if you want ‘interesting’ rp opportunities, cheaper vendors, a bank anywhere, and a nice emergency-jump (for long falls/dodges).

vulpera if you want cute totems, cute /sleep animations, more-or-less a second hearthstone, more bag-space, and an extra ranged attack/mini-heal.

either are great, but my vote goes to goblins. that rocket-jump has saved my bacon from long-falls, more times then i can count. go vulpera monk if you want a short monk/ really want a vulpera.

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My two main SL characters are a goblin shaman, and vulpera monk.

Goblins are better overall from my perspective, largely due to rocket jump, and personally I prefer the more humanoid appearance. If goblins could be monks I’d probably have chosen that; far as shamans go it’s the only option for me.

My vulpera monk is smaller though, so some armor looks better, but I do find that I put full helmets on more often than not…

Goblins are what happens to Vulpera when they eat after midnight, just saying.



Vulpera are trash

I haven’t tried it yet with my Vulpera shaman, but can we make camp in the Maw?