Vulpera or Goblin shaman?

So they gave you free stuff? Win/win.

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Go vulpera. Set up hearth to oribos and camp to covenant sanctum


This would sell me on vulpera.


I have played both and goblin wins slightly in pve. Vulpera does really good on pvp. So it breaks down what you looking for in a character. Goblins ability to call personal bank and reduce prices is a very good perk.

As with most things, dwarf is the correct answer…

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Thats a funny way of saying female human warrior , but ok

Vulpera. Goblin totems look dumb.


Bruh vulpera, nose for trouble plus camp as well as a very decent self heal with bag of tricks, basically heals as much as a healing surge.

yeah not to mention the best totems for shamans hands down

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Nah, that belongs to Draenei. Vulpera totems are acceptable though.

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But they are lil foxes D:


Like I said, they are acceptable.

Arguably one of the greatest racials in the game.

This is 100% why I can’t bring myself to change from goblin. I thought about it, for a change of pace. I can’t leave rocket jump.


I have a goblin shaman. But I think vulpera look better in mail gear. Goblins for some reason do not.

I would go goblin for PvP, because of the rocket boost (the extra attack on a way too long CD is nice fun when you have nothing else to use). Vulpera for everything else. The extra bag space, and the second hearth location is really nice, especially in SL zones.

Do you want to be cute or cruel?

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Goblin. Because rocket jump is pretty nice got shaman.

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Nah they just asked weird questions once I started talking in discord. I was playing a female HMT:
So do you like the udders?

They’re… cylinders; unimpressive to say the least. Alliance side, Dark Iron totems are much more creative than Draenei.
P.S. DI totems actually drill into the ground instead of just vanishing.

And you can’t beat the “make camp” that Vulpera have. That alone would make me choose them. Having a 2nd home is great.

The opposite would be best. The return to camp is 1 hour which would be good for Oribos, and hearth to your covenant which is only 15 minutes with guild, at least for me, as I do more covenant hearthing that I travel to Oribos.


Most likely. I never found a place that I couldn’t make camp with mine, except instances of course, and the Maw isn’t an instance.

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