Vulpera love is rough

but its worth it



i just love them furballs

It’s because we are ‘Adorabilty Weaponized ®’.



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you’re cute i wanna pet you

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Just another reason why i wish i could join the alliance, stay away lol.

But yes we are cute, and no you can’t pet my head, that’s reserved for the other faction.

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humans would pet your head with swords and daggers if they could, horde all the way baibe

On the contrary i’ve met nothing but friendly alliance people on the dragon isles.
They pet my head (because i let them), rub my chin, etc. But disgusting orcs, and the other ugly races in the horde, ya no thanks i’m out, plus the character of the vulpera never fit with the horde, we were shoe horned into your faction, by outside forces…

I would think that you would have to have done the Horde story quests in Vol’dun to have unlocked the Vulpera as an allied race…and in having done so, experienced the events showing how heroes (player characters) of the Horde were instrumental in aiding the Vulpera against the Faithless Sethrak. Not to mention, freeing a large number of them from slavery.

Further, there is the death and destruction wrought upon our caravans by the Alliance’s Seventh Legion. I do agree that this last bit is badly contrived by the writers, but it IS part of the lore, and therefor reason enough for us to never consider them as a faction choice.

I realize that this is what you mean by ‘shoe horned’…but it is what it is.

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Yes i did, and the explanations that were given were lack luster and still don’t fit with what i’ve seen in the Vulpera, their characters generally seem to fit in more with what you’d see in the alliances

Actually never ran into this quest while unlocking them, which for something that’s so lore important, i thought i would’ve ran into this but i don’t, not sure if that was how it was day 1, if they changed things, i only know of it because of what people mentioned on the forums here.

The fact is, Reflecting back on what happened, what should have happened is if blizzard was using their heads, it should’ve been actually sethrak and zandalari joining the horde, while vulpera were the ones on the backfoot against both joining the in the process alliance. In my heart of heart, that’s better writing and makes more sense lol. Even the cover art of the loading screen for Zandalar seems to point towards that lol, did they make mid game changes? Did someone realize that all the ugly toons are on the horde side? I don’t know. What’s done is done, i’m just hoping they add in a defection option come cross factions or a characters are grandfathered in where you are, but when you make a new character, a choice of what faction you choose Allegiance towards.

The thing is, the criteria for ‘fitting in’ with the Horde…if there really is such a thing…is NOT an appearance of ugliness. That’s made-up player bias, and has never been ‘official’.

What has traditionally been a ‘qualification’, is being a down-trodden underdog race, that is joining the Horde for mutual benefit and survival…and that describes the Vulpera to a tee. We were desert scavengers even before the Faithless began to attack and enslave us, so I think we’ve always been a better fit with the Horde, even without the events during BfA.

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At least you Orcs aren’t trying to make half-breeds with us Draenei anymore.


:eye: :lips: :eye:

Honestly this goes back to the fact, that many people on the blizzard dev team just don’t know what they are doing, especially when it comes to the lore/story of this game, i’m a recent return to dragonflight the jury’s still out on DF as a whole, from what i’ve seen it’s been Okish, with a really cool second boss in the academy dungeon, the Arcane boss with the gnome there, really liked that, well done blizzard, but was just completely washed away because in the mythic dungeons, it’s a rush rush mentality.

With regards to the horde lore wise, What is the horde? A loose band of different races all joined together against the more civilized races of azeroth. The Core being the Orcs, Trolls, Undead/Forsaken. But as time goes on with the game/lore, more get added, Blood elfs, Pandaren as a neutral race, and now later the allied races, honestly the best thing i’ve heard from people shooting ideas here on the forums allied races as we have them should’ve been neutral, able to choose what faction they want to pledge loyalty, making them truly Allied Races. But Vulpera, their characters and characteristics don’t align at least with the traditional core values of the original races of the horde, Orcs, Troll, Etc. When blizzard added Goblins back in Cata to the Horde, that was a good fit, that made sense, they fit in with the Core Ethos of the horde. Another issue that people have pointed out is, you have people within the horde faction that are in it by necessity, and almost offshooting wanting to defect alliance side lore wise, if not for the fact this is an mmo, mainly blood elfs the prime example of this, but also tauren, etc. This just goes back to the fact, the blizzard Dev team, has not been on there A Game since the end of Wrath lol. They needed to have made warcraft 4, flesh out the world more and the characters in it, we’ve been on E, out of Gas for years now, just patching in story, Expansion after expansion. Respectfully no, i don’t think the vulpera make any sense being apart of the horde, along with a long list of other decisions that blizzard has made lore wise, IE. Shadowlands which if you believe it to be the cannon, which i don’t lol. Then they’ve destroyed everything that built this world/universe to make it what it is.

Hmm. Would the closest for an alliance Vulpera be as a Death Knight or Mage since the organizations are led by former alliance characters? :thinking:

Hi there, mister Orc, sir.


Vulpera are scrappy survivors who have banded together with other outcasts to survive in an unforgiving world.

That’s the essence of the Horde, through-and-through.

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