Vulpera... Hmmmm

They are based on the Fennec Fox

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I like how you minimize the damage on the horde…

they ruined the horde because your other fellow forsakens… but well there were taurens on the burning of the world tree as well so :man_shrugging:

inb4 “but the mother earth” :crazy_face: I don’t see anywhere that anyone went against sylvanas orders and got killed or something except one person which was killed and raised as forsaken… baine went to garrosh junkyard.

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Blizzard likes to add random racial NPCs to show the appearance of participation. I know there were Tauren there marching on Teldrassil, but the burning is on Sylvanas, Nathanos, and Saurfang as the three that chose to/didn’t stop it from happening.

Well…no. Because the story is very static and one dimensional. The Horde had to be forced into being villains again to try and push the faction war agenda, and failed miserably once again.

I don’t see how any of this has to do with the fact the Forsaken damaged the Horde as I didn’t speak specifically BfA. Forsaken were a mistake from day one when comparing their cruel acts to most of the Horde.

If memory serves, Belfs were going to be Alliance and then Blizzard decided to make them Horde because the Horde needed a pretty race for whatever reason that only existed in Blizzard’s head back in '07. Still seems like an odd decision even today, but whatever.

The Horde faction disparity was really bad back then, some 10% or so less than Alliance (don’t quote me, I honestly don’t remember). So they gave us a race to get some of the more shallow folks to consider rolling Horde, because playing anything other than a human or elf was just not popular. And I sound bitter; I am. I have a difficult time stomaching some of the more superficial individuals like that, but I digress.

They did their best to work in the story, and they did alright more or less. But it definitely affected the Horde’s original image irreversibly.

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Sure, if you enjoy playing as a rat.


Oh, so low Horde playerbase was the reason was it? how the tables have turned since.

It’s never explained that any of the other races did something, the only exception to the burning of teldrassil was the zandalari which at that time they werent part of the horde yet. Reminds me of how everyone was afraid like little puppies

Blizzard doesnt just add random NPCs for whatever reason they can add all forsaken they were there for a reason…

The forsaken damaged the horde forever, scarred for all eternity at this point… that’s the way blizzard writted sylvanas, we all wish it went different but it’s not the case by using your argument then blizzard damage the night elves because players wanted “alliance drama”?

A leader represents a faction, their goals, their ideas… people seems to forget that constantly…

Baine earned some respect from me after he stood up while the rest didnt even question their warchief actions since the burning… but the rest specially during that cinematic… :-1: glad void elves are part of Alleria…

Right? Trust me, I’m not one to scoff at how the Alliance are struggling now. Personally I just want no more faction walls, but alas I’m sure I’m mooing up the wrong tree.

I mean…yes? The Night Elves have been stepped on, spat on, flat out insulted and abused since Vanilla. Them being on the Alliance has been nothing but bad because they were declawed, losing that original ferocity time fall in line with Alliance ordeals, and they’ve been on the receiving end of a lot of the horrible writing.

Nothing you said has changed my opinion of the mistakes of Forsaken on Horde and Night Elves on the Alliance. Hell, I didn’t even speak solely BfA; that was you bringing it up. Forsaken have been bad for the Horde For nearly every expansion. At the same time, the poor Night Elves have practically been abused every expansion.

I never argued that didn’t happen. But no one stopped Sylvanas because she was the Warchief, and none of the Horde leadership were stupid enough to stand against someone so clearly unhinged. The woman was one of the stronger leaders before her deus ex machina death powers; no one steps in front of that.

I really don’t understand what point you’re trying to make here?

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So they wouldn’t be foxes but german shepherds.

You have insulted my people :rage:

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So said the blood elf! LOL

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True. Snake people would have fit the horde better. IMO.

Don’t let the alliance hear you say that.

They’re fennecs.

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What’s wrong with being the obvious best race in the game, so much so the people of the alliance cried and cried and cried just to get us hmmmmm?

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Because foxes are legit more like a chihuahua than a german shepherd? Closer in size anyway, if you’ve ever really seen a fox they are so small they look almost like a house cat pretending it’s a dog.

To be fair, little german shepherd people with big heads sounds more amazing than vulpera could ever hope to be.

What is wrong is that a race that broke the pattern of aggressive and frightening races, which was given to the horde to give options other than ugly orcs and trolls, considered that vulperas emasculated the horde.

That merit is from blood elves.
Blood elves comes from a cultured, noble and civilization, with no real cultural ties to the horde, whereas vulpers are a people with the horde theme from beginning to end.

And blood elves are only in the horde because of Sylvanas, being doormats of hers and the horde. AHAHAHAH

Well because they wanted to, I’d suppose and also because, and correct me if this information isn’t accurate, I believe they used the goblin framework as a basis for the Vulpera models size wise and so forth.

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