Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Snakes and foxes. Love it.
All I want is a vulpera monk so their tail can swoosh around wildly while the do a spinning crane kick. I don't think that's too much to ask.
05/23/2018 12:35 PMPosted by Oomrongorgal
Snakes and foxes. Love it.
I for one welcome our new snake and fox overlords.
Vulpera just got 2 new player animations in today's build. I think it's safe to say they're confirmed.
+1 for cute, fwuffy, wuffy, itty, bebe fox peepo!
*nuzzles u*
"can i join da howde too ^^"

Somehow I knew the OP of a thread like this would be a panda.
05/24/2018 05:30 PMPosted by Hellmaw
Somehow I knew the OP of a thread like this would be a panda.


For what it's worth you have my vote! Vulpera & Sethrak would be amazing!

The only hard part would be deciding which one I'd make first...
The game taking it'self seriously is a good thing, it's an ode to the old Vanilla golden age of story. Back when you were morally grey. *Happy sigh*

Please, if Vulpera are added, don't make them a joke race like Panderan, Void Elves or Worgen Blizzard.
Hell yeah, they better be allowed to use kung fu.
04/30/2018 12:25 PMPosted by Γ‚ero
I feel like hair would just look like wigs on them. It looks amazing in the fanart for them but in wow it probably wouldnt be easy. I dont know though, it's hard to see it on their models.

Honestly that was my problem with panderen... I wanted to like them so much but the hair kind of bugs me. Ah well.

BTW Eevee under the "it's just catering to furries" bit you can add that people who grew up playing Ratchet and Clank/ Sly Cooper/ Jak and Daxter have a nostalgia angle on the Vulp

... because that's 100% why I want them so badly :D!!!
05/24/2018 05:59 PMPosted by Ashaala
For what it's worth you have my vote! Vulpera & Sethrak would be amazing!

The only hard part would be deciding which one I'd make first...

I would not choose! I would do the 2! ^^

Exciting times.
05/24/2018 06:32 PMPosted by Victoria

Exciting times.
Gosh I really hope that's a jumping animation, but I can't tell if it's more of a roll?
05/24/2018 06:32 PMPosted by Victoria

Exciting times.

05/24/2018 06:34 PMPosted by Oomrongorgal
Gosh I really hope that's a jumping animation, but I can't tell if it's more of a roll?

It might be the "special" jump.

Like how Night Elves ocasionally flip, or Blood Elves...twirl.
05/24/2018 06:32 PMPosted by Victoria

Exciting times.

He proves to be very acrobatic!

Just commenting: all this for a mere npc, that will stay/stand on a dusty road?

I think not!! : D

They got a new wave animation also this build.
05/24/2018 06:32 PMPosted by Victoria

Exciting times.
I think it's going to be a special jump animation. It's the "Jumpstart" animation for them. At least on the Wowhead dressing room.

Edit: The special Blood elf jump on Wowhead is labeled under the same "jumpstart" looks like it's going to be a jumping animation.
New Vulpera animation! /Wave joins the fray!