Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

no worries, was just curious. :p
05/07/2018 02:41 AMPosted by Seije
but is it also possible for the alliance to get to zandalar in beta yet, or are the islands pretty much locked to their respective factions?
it is possible, i did the vol'dun alliance questline just a few days ago. its part of the war campaign, and apparently the alliance meet the sethrak before the horde do
05/07/2018 02:46 AMPosted by Withpuppys
05/07/2018 02:41 AMPosted by Seije
but is it also possible for the alliance to get to zandalar in beta yet, or are the islands pretty much locked to their respective factions?
it is possible, i did the vol'dun alliance questline just a few days ago. its part of the war campaign, and apparently the alliance meet the sethrak before the horde do

Well there you go. Seems like a thing. Danger noodles for all!
05/07/2018 02:41 AMPosted by Seije
05/07/2018 02:37 AMPosted by Eevee
At this point I actually feel like danger noodles are the most likely allied race for the alliance. I was skeptical for a long time simply because there was no real evidence for them. But from what we've seen in the beta so far there really are no better candidates from either a lore or gameplay perspective.

I hope that's true, i really wants me some sethrak toons. i just got into beta and haven't had a lot of time to play. I plan on rolling a horde toon to see the opening scenario from the horde side, but is it also possible for the alliance to get to zandalar in beta yet, or are the islands pretty much locked to their respective factions?

Blizz should really get working on that. Slitherfolk are a good start, but alliance could use another solid choice that fits their empire building civilized theme and that isn't human or idealized human.
05/07/2018 07:41 AMPosted by Furrywarr
05/07/2018 02:41 AMPosted by Seije

I hope that's true, i really wants me some sethrak toons. i just got into beta and haven't had a lot of time to play. I plan on rolling a horde toon to see the opening scenario from the horde side, but is it also possible for the alliance to get to zandalar in beta yet, or are the islands pretty much locked to their respective factions?

Blizz should really get working on that. Slitherfolk are a good start, but alliance could use another solid choice that fits their empire building civilized theme and that isn't human or idealized human.

I'm still curious how they would attach armor to the sethrak. Particularly the helmets. It'll be tricky
Hi yes I'm not sure if I've popped in but I wanted to throw my support on here as well.
05/08/2018 01:03 PMPosted by Eevee
I'm still curious how they would attach armor to the sethrak. Particularly the helmets. It'll be tricky

Ugh not this argument again lol.
05/08/2018 01:11 PMPosted by Alaeis
05/08/2018 01:03 PMPosted by Eevee
I'm still curious how they would attach armor to the sethrak. Particularly the helmets. It'll be tricky

Ugh not this argument again lol.

I dunno that it's an argument. At this point I'm actually of the belief they're going to be playable. I said it would be tricky, not impossible.

I just want to see how they go about it.
From what I understand at least one of the Kul'Tiran houses makes a practice of kidnapping and enslaving the Vulpera. For anyone who was wondering why the Vulpera would hate the Alliance I think we now have our definitive answer.
Okay, back from a minor vacation:

For those who have yet to see, the latest Beta build included a new Vulpera animation:

It's a mining animation, and it should be noted this one is drastically different than the male goblin.

Not confirmation, but one more piece of evidence for the pile.
I'm not dead, just decided to give the forum a bit of a break.

The Voldunai have new toys! It looks like you'll be able to wear Nisha's battle gear,I'm not dead, just decided to give the forum a bit of a break.

The Voldunai have new toys!
Something I found and resolved to share!
05/19/2018 08:14 PMPosted by Grayphus
Something I found and resolved to share!

"Everything has value, even you" is probably the most subtle burn I've ever heard. I love it.

There hasn't been much interesting vulpera news lately, but we can still speculate!

For fun: Here's a copypaste from the the jokes channel in the hype caravan:

Why is everyone asking me what I say? / Stop asking me what I say; we speak the same language! (Male/Female)

Hey you! Yeah you! I heard that! Donā€™t think I didnā€™t hear that! I ... what did you say? (Male)

My ears are up here! (Female)

The ears are more than just for show, you know!


Hey! Iā€™m small, not deaf! (Female)

I canā€™t believe this! Why doesnā€™t anybody have any tape?! (Male)

You call that a knife? THIS is a knife! (Male)

What do I say? What do you mean, to what? Oh...that again.

A Worgen looked at my tail and whimpered. I almost felt sorry for him, ALMOST. (Male)

You will know how threatening a fox can be! Makes a fox sound. (Something like...MRRRAAWRRRRAGHH and possibly high pitched!) (Female)

Ever seen a rabid fox? Neither have I. Those are just some old tales to frighten the kits. (Female)

How do you call a three humped camel? Preg-suddenly starts to cough ...dry air. (Male)

They're called kits, but they sure don't come with instructions (Female)

Sethrak taste like chicken. Not that I, uhm, ever ate one...or, well maybe I did? Desperate times...desperate measures. (Male)

Have you seen those female worgen? They look like they were hit with the crazy stick! laughter (Female)

Sethrak, why did it have to be Sethrakā€¦ā€ (Male)

Never, EVER touch the tail, you hear me?

Why yes, my tail is luxuriously soft and wonderful to touch. No you may not touch it. Touch it and you will regret being born

No, the ears donā€™t make me fly...
Really hoping for some casting classes for vulpera like mage or warlock. Be kind of bummed if horde got 2 allied races who dont know much if any magic (hmt all they got is elemental shaman and balance druid).
How about we leave these dumb things out. They are as bad as the pandas.
05/20/2018 06:54 AMPosted by Drewdown
How about we leave these dumb things out. They are as bad as the pandas.

If by "bad" you mean "awesome" then you are wrong, they are WAY badder than the pandas.
05/20/2018 05:47 AMPosted by Eevee
Have you seen those female worgen? They look like they were hit with the crazy stick! laughter (Female)

05/20/2018 05:47 AMPosted by Eevee
A Worgen looked at my tail and whimpered. I almost felt sorry for him, ALMOST. (Male)


..... OK, fluffy!!!
This! Is! War!!! ^^
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As confident as I am, I would still sleep better with official confirmation. I understand the likely reason they've kept so quiet is to avoid the disappointment from having to wait until 8.2 for them.

Blizzard chooses NOT to "lock in" every single decision a year in advance, by announcing it publicly to players.

Blizzard has learned in the past that there are a large number of players who cannot understand a "maybe", and if anything is made public and later changes, will write "Blizzard lies to us" in the forums for months and years.

In response to that, Blizzard does not announce plans until they are "sure".

It is ridiculous to assume that Blizzard has a "certain, locked, decided" plan for what will happen in 2019 and 2020. So there is nothing to announce.
I support our new vulpera overlords!

As an elf, my opinion is to be held in high regard.
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10/10 need Vulpera