Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game.

... And Blood Elves are...?
05/24/2018 11:21 PMPosted by Rigatono
04/30/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Stylo
I absolutely loathe the idea of a cutesy anime race running around in this game.

... And Blood Elves are...?

Shh, you're ruining their super cereal immersion
I didn't think a waving animation could be that cute
Quite the well organized and thought out thread Eevee, very informative :D
04/30/2018 08:40 AMPosted by Eevee
The short answer is Probably.

Probably? Probably? What do you mean Probably? There were posters confirming them earlier!!!! WTF??!?!?!
I crack up every time I hear "it'll ruin the game for me" or "I don't want any stinkin furries on my side" when I'm sitting here going hm.... trolls, orcs, dwarves, humans, and especially forsaken are pretty hideous to me and yet I don't get a say in all that. Point is that we have plenty of brute races that are all tough and yadda yadda or just gross on a basic level (walking corpses after all) and we don't have as many softer, more aesthetically appealing races (gnomes don't count because the males are pretty sad looking a lot of the time). But yeah throw your little fits while I sit over here and shudder every time I end up having to see whatever race you decided to play. Sorry just thought I'd wish out my own race hate since that seems to be the theme for many people here.
05/25/2018 05:57 AMPosted by Kirela
I crack up every time I hear "it'll ruin the game for me" or "I don't want any stinkin furries on my side" when I'm sitting here going hm.... trolls, orcs, dwarves, humans, and especially forsaken are pretty hideous to me and yet I don't get a say in all that. Point is that we have plenty of brute races that are all tough and yadda yadda or just gross on a basic level (walking corpses after all) and we don't have as many softer, more aesthetically appealing races (gnomes don't count because the males are pretty sad looking a lot of the time). But yeah throw your little fits while I sit over here and shudder every time I end up having to see whatever race you decided to play. Sorry just thought I'd wish out my own race hate since that seems to be the theme for many people here.

It reminds me of when we got the Motorcycle mount in Wrath. There were TONS of people going on about how "This ruins the immersion of WoW, technology like this does not exist in WoW!" on the forums all while ignoring the Dwarven Siege Tanks, Gnomish Helicopters, ect.

Motorcycles was their breaking point for some reason. Its the same argument now in days just with Vulpera taking the place of the Motorcycles.

Personally, I am still holding out hope for the Vulpera though :) Crossing my fingers at the chance of being a Horde Fox Paladin at some point.

*fingers crossed*
I hope Vulpera get put into game just so that all the people that hate them will rage quit the game. WoW will be a better place without them...good riddance.
05/25/2018 06:27 AMPosted by Byucknah
"This ruins the immersion of WoW, technology like this does not exist in WoW!" on the forums all while ignoring the Dwarven Siege Tanks, Gnomish Helicopters, ect.
we have tanks, helicopters, planes, and guns. but clearly the motorcycle is a step too far
05/25/2018 06:33 AMPosted by Gnowei
I hope Vulpera get put into game just so that all the people that hate them will rage quit the game. WoW will be a better place without them...good riddance.

You aren't wrong.

I doubt many people will actually quit, though.
05/25/2018 06:34 AMPosted by Withpuppys
05/25/2018 06:27 AMPosted by Byucknah
"This ruins the immersion of WoW, technology like this does not exist in WoW!" on the forums all while ignoring the Dwarven Siege Tanks, Gnomish Helicopters, ect.
we have tanks, helicopters, planes, and guns. but clearly the motorcycle is a step too far


In all seriousness though, some of the arguments get a little silly at times.
05/25/2018 06:27 AMPosted by Byucknah
It reminds me of when we got the Motorcycle mount in Wrath. There were TONS of people going on about how "This ruins the immersion of WoW, technology like this does not exist in WoW!" on the forums all while ignoring the Dwarven Siege Tanks, Gnomish Helicopters, ect.

Yeah the whole time people were complaining I was thinking, "Oh man, I hope they don't find out it doesn't take fall damage." It has since been fixed but it was glorious at the time. It lasted longer than I had hoped too. hahahaha
05/25/2018 06:27 AMPosted by Byucknah
It reminds me of when we got the Motorcycle mount in Wrath. There were TONS of people going on about how "This ruins the immersion of WoW, technology like this does not exist in WoW!" on the forums all while ignoring the Dwarven Siege Tanks, Gnomish Helicopters, ect.

Motorcycles was their breaking point for some reason. Its the same argument now in days just with Vulpera taking the place of the Motorcycles.

Personally, I am still holding out hope for the Vulpera though :) Crossing my fingers at the chance of being a Horde Fox Paladin at some point.

*fingers crossed*

People were upset about the motorcycles? I actually don't remember that one, but I do believe you that it happened.

Yeah the whole time people were complaining I was thinking, "Oh man, I hope they don't find out it doesn't take fall damage." It has since been fixed but it was glorious at the time. It lasted longer than I had hoped too. hahahaha

AMA Request: The first person to jump from the Dalaran exit pipe after the hotfix.
05/24/2018 09:57 PMPosted by Eevee
New Vulpera animation! /Wave joins the fray!

I can’t watch the video; it said access denied, anonymous caller does not have access to storage attachments. Anyone else having trouble accessing it? Is it a broken link?
Swapping to Horde for Vulpera and Mag'har. Well... I'll do both at least.
05/25/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Skyterrortwo
05/24/2018 09:57 PMPosted by Eevee
New Vulpera animation! /Wave joins the fray!

I can’t watch the video; it said access denied, anonymous caller does not have access to storage attachments. Anyone else having trouble accessing it? Is it a broken link?

My bad, here: Wave Flip
A jumping animation!! OwO I'm so happyyy
05/25/2018 09:16 AMPosted by Âero
A jumping animation!! OwO I'm so happyyy

I know, right? =D
Gah, I hate to admit this, but playable Vulpera would probably make me resub. Sorry, Tauren, but those four measly faces look like alpaca waste in comparison :/

If they could be druids, I'd be sold. Damn you, Blizzard, damn yuuuuuuu! Damn you for ruining my favorite race then creating super duper foxies.
05/25/2018 09:08 AMPosted by Eevee
05/25/2018 08:51 AMPosted by Skyterrortwo

I can’t watch the video; it said access denied, anonymous caller does not have access to storage attachments. Anyone else having trouble accessing it? Is it a broken link?

My bad, here: Wave Flip

Thanks for the links, they worked The clips looked fantastic!

Chances of them being playable seems higher to me. They’ve put so much work (PC movements, customisation) into them, I doubt they’d do that for mere NPCs or mobs.