Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

They're adorable! I hope they do become playable.
04/30/2018 09:51 AMPosted by Caféaulait
I'd rather see Arrakoa than Vulpera.

I have to admit, I owe the Arakkoa people an apology. I never had a good look at the WoD models and they're actually really neat, and would probably take armor a lot better than I was imagining. They would probably still require a massive rebuild to get them to playable quality but at least I see now what others see in them.

04/30/2018 09:57 AMPosted by Teppi
I would love to have these critters on either faction, the only thing I wish Blizzard would do differently to implement them is to construct new models for them instead of reusing the current goblin models. :/

Actually if you compare the vulpera models and goblin models side by side, it's quite amazing how different they are. They use the same skeleton, but literally everything else has been built new.
04/30/2018 08:40 AMPosted by Eevee
Will they be Playable?

The short answer is Probably.
I came to this thread specifically to ensure that accurate information was being circulated in the original post. I was not disappointed!

While Vulpera interest me, I am even more interested in the fact that if they are added for the Horde, the Alliance will also get a race. And that makes me curious.
As stated before, you have the support of the Sethrak thread.

If people are worried about them looking too cute to be in the horde, you may be right, but look at who they are as a race. When you see their personalities, their values, you can understand why they would intothe horde.
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I have to admit, I owe the Arakkoa people an apology. I never had a good look at the WoD models and they're actually really neat, and would probably take armor a lot better than I was imagining. They would probably still require a massive rebuild to get them to playable quality but at least I see now what others see in them.

That's not necessarily the reason I would rather have Arakkoa as a new race. After completing the story line for WoD; I felt having Arrakoa as a race would complete that ending of "new heroes" to replace their fallen King if players could take that role.

"Lay the past to rest and raise new champions"
04/30/2018 10:07 AMPosted by Caféaulait
I have to admit, I owe the Arakkoa people an apology. I never had a good look at the WoD models and they're actually really neat, and would probably take armor a lot better than I was imagining. They would probably still require a massive rebuild to get them to playable quality but at least I see now what others see in them.

That's not necessarily the reason I would rather have Arakkoa as a new race. After completing the story line for WoD; I felt having Arrakoa as a race would complete that ending of "new heroes" to replace their fallen King if players could take that role.

"Lay the past to rest and raise new champions"

I felt like they didn't really have much to them. Sure the curse is interesting and that dichotomy, but the 'pure' arakkoa seemed one note. Worship the sun, giant lasers, stay in the sky and middle finger everyone on the ground.

Not to say that couldn't change at all, lore grows as the story progresses, and evolves and changes. But would they naturally be able to fly? How would their racials be?
I've wanted Vulpera since their initial reveal at Blizzcon. They have my full support.
I've wanted a playable fox race in any game since the beginning of time, Blizzard please please do this. I don't care what faction I just want to be a cute adorable lil foxy!!!
04/30/2018 10:06 AMPosted by Sidend
As stated before, you have the support of the Sethrak thread.

If people are worried about them looking too cute to be in the horde, you may be right, but look at who they are as a race. When you see their personalities, their values, you can understand why they would intothe horde.

/tongue flick
Much like mop, I'm more interested in the natives and their struggle than the faction war. Can't wait to see vulpera recruited to the horde. I've wanted to see meaningful progression like this since the taunka "joined"
OP, here is another item that makes them seem more possible unless blizzard makes it a reputation mount. You see them riding these mounts in beta.

- Youtube video for people who hate WoWhead (won't show npc on it though).

Although, if they are gained through reputation doesn't mean blizzard can't give a special Vulpera version of it.
04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Eevee
04/30/2018 08:44 AMPosted by Menard
Another thread about the foxes?

I’ll repeat my suggestion for the Suramar Zoo....

Well, hopefully the last thread about the foxes. I'll try to avoid posting new ones and just try to keep this one updated.

Haven’t you said similar things in other threads you’ve made about this topic?
04/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Xoja
04/30/2018 08:47 AMPosted by Eevee

Well, hopefully the last thread about the foxes. I'll try to avoid posting new ones and just try to keep this one updated.

Haven’t you said similar things in other threads you’ve made about this topic?

I'm pretty sure I've never promised not to make more threads, probably the opposite.
04/30/2018 12:00 PMPosted by Eevee
04/30/2018 11:55 AMPosted by Xoja

Haven’t you said similar things in other threads you’ve made about this topic?

I'm pretty sure I've never promised not to make more threads, probably the opposite.

The last thread of your whole life? That's heavy

/Signs Vulpera Support Thread
I just think they look dumb without hair.
04/30/2018 12:08 PMPosted by Huggablysoft
I just think they look dumb without hair.
I ... kind of agree with this. My main complaint about Vulpera is that they look weird without traditional hair.
04/30/2018 12:08 PMPosted by Huggablysoft
I just think they look dumb without hair.

That actually did strike me a while back, they would be the very first playable race without "hair". But after thinking about it a bit, I think they'd look weird WITH hair, at least human-like hair

They could maybe adjust the designs to give them a bit of a mane like worgen or tauren... but I think this works too.
One of the dungeon bosses is a Vulpera in a pirate hat.

He looks dashing af.

I want to be a fox dude in a pirate hat.
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04/30/2018 12:22 PMPosted by Zunde
One of the dungeon bosses is a Vulpera in a pirate hat.

He looks dashing af.

I want to be a fox dude in a pirate hat.

I don't know how this will affect your opinion but that is Captain Eudora, and she is a girl
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