Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

Eevee has only edited it about 11 times. On my thread… I’ve done so over 40 now. That’s not the issue at least.


Maybe that’s it. I assumed it was locked after we reached a certain number of posts to encourage us not to destroy the servers like the elf thread.

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Okay blizzard c’mon. This teasing is cruel atm.


You can only edit a post so many times within a 24 hour period - just like you can only delete so many posts within a 24 hour period, how you can only flag so many, like so many, et cetera and so on.

Also, just to add into the discussion, Vulpera would be a perfect fit for the Horde. They embody exactly what the spirit of the Horde is, despite not being ‘monstrous’, like some people argue.


I might have to start being an Internet Explorer and form a Safari to find this FireFox. :V

Wakka wakka! :U


Finally, I can say that today I received good news!
Vulperas will be the only thing that could save BfA from being a shameful expansion for me, with at least one good thing coming out of it!


There is one other NPC race Flame Guardian in Stormheim, but he’s a neutral one. The fact that the Vulpera Flame Keeper in Vol’dun is horde specific I think means we can throw it in the evidence pile.


There’s so much evidence for it that either it’s true, or blizzard is deliberately trolling people who want vulpera. Evidence literally in the code!

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This is also the first vulpera NPC not using the racial gear.


Clearly this is the only reason they were rigged to wear player armor. They were just planning out these flame warden NPCs a year in advance and decided it would be easier to get them to wear all armor instead.

Edit: You been typing a while, Sola. You okay there?


Haha! yeah, I am writing up a storm! Though, as others have said, smaller bits are probably easier to chew on, So I’ll just leave this here for now! Thanks!

Once welcomed and integrated into our clan, I can see them joining us in the fights and taking to the battlefield like this: while the tauren trench toward and through the waves of alliance, and trolls whip up the elements and goblins enter the fray in mechs and send bombs and rockets soaring, while blood elves stand poised and ready, nightborne channeling and manipulating their magics, pandaren bouncing and rolling throughout the fray, taking on targets one on one, the more stalwart zandalari trolls bringing in the dinos and exotic arts, the undead slowly moving across the battlefield, spreading blight and dark magics, and eating the slain as they creep toward the enemies, orcs fearlessly meeting the alliance head on, and our new furball friends dash and dart into the battle, scurrying between the tripping legs of our adversaries, climbing up onto their backs or leaping underground to dodge and tunnel their way beneath the enemy to the other side, popping up from the ground! I can also see a vulpera sitting or standing on a tauren’s shoulder while the tauren bounds into battle like a boulder, and the scrappy vulpera leaps from his mighty shoulders to land on an bewildered enemy! does the foe brace himself for the tauren, or dodge the incoming vulpera from above? Haha!

Greetings, Vulpera! Enjoy a mug by the cozy fire in our den of bedraggled misfits and mongrels. The Horde - a home for all the stray scoundrels and scamps out there, a haunt for exiled hoodlums, and a haven for worn ruffians and wayward rascals - welcomes each and every displaced, drifting horde dog in need of a humble home! Join the clan - and may our blades never dull!

Be quick! Be Clever! Peace all!


I mean Imho. BFA is a fine expansion the lore is good and the gameplay is comparable to MoP/Legion. The artifact neck is inferior in every way to our weapons. I will say that. But as a casual player I just 90% ignore it. The rework of the system in 8.2 will help. I know a lot of people hate it but not nearly as bad as WoD and not even as bad as cata.

Guessing he’s a Valkrul? I want them playable. Could go horde as ally already got KT humans.

Trolling people about it would not only be sadistic but self destructive. Building up hype and then not delivering even if it wasn’t promised will hurt customer relations. Even if it wasn’t their original intent for them to be playable (I have a sneaky suspicion of this). They saw how insanely popular they were and realised it’d be a good move to rework them and then started working on a model update that is mostly player ready. They’re not 100% ready for launch but they’re not far at all. Need a few tweeks on some helmets and adjusting shoulders and a few more animations and then create the recruit scenario/achievement. Give them a racial mount which will probably use an already in game model either hyena or alpaca and then design the heritage armour.


And why not? Alliance already got the placebo for vrykul!
Why could horde not receive what the alliance should have already received, instead of the clownish version we have with kultirans?

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I especially love reading the dialogue “Our festival fires burn in every land with a Horde settlement.” :slight_smile: I realize other npcs say it, but its a Vulpera!!!


Well, 8.2 would be a great time for Vulpera to come out. Another dropped ball by Blizz imo. I honestly have no intention of playing through another patch as anything but Vulpera. That’s just where I’m at. :confused:


Yeah cuz fatphobia is cool in 2019. Almost as cool as furry hate. :roll_eyes:


We’re just too much man for them to take.


I don’t care what anyways says.

I’m sexy and I know it. :wink: