Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

“You would do well to desecrate such unworthy efforts”

Nisha: “Did you think we had forgotten? Did you think we had FORGIVEN?


Damn right.

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Hmm … I sort of felt like 8.2.5 was getting primed for their eventual release.

If they are going to be an AR (and, by all indications they are getting closer and closer), then Blizz did need to setup a partner for them to go on the Alliance (hence, the current Gnome AR that has an absurd amount of assets put into it).


I think Blizzard didn’t announce them yet so people can get more confortable with mechagnomes first. Announcing the mechas alongside Vulpera 3 months ago wouldn’t feel well for most people. The Mechagon comic was probably also planned to ease the acceptance of mechagnomes.


I honestly only want vulpera just to see how people would react to another “furry” race in the game.

Cause let’s be real, Worgen is the superior canine race

I think people will like Mechagnomes A LOT more once they encounter them. They have A LOT of neat customisation. I can see what you mean. Especially from certain other folks in the thread claiming horde bias just because they personally aren’t hype about mechagnomes. Hopefully they build up the hype. We’ve got to meet the Vulpera, we’ve only heard whispers on the wind of these new mechagnomes.

But tbph it reminds me of those bad-azz movies. I thought people loved cyborgs? But no clearly horde bias :roll_eyes: I do hope they get a bit more customisation before they launch but they’re pretty neat. The idea of slowly cannibalising (figuratively) yourself to become closer to how they were before the curse of flesh is very appealing to me.


TBH, both races need some additional work before they are ready. Junkers are probably closer to being complete, but its most likely due to the amazing plethora of animations provided to them already (seriously, no AR even comes close to the asset investment here). The Vulpera (due to their goblin limitations, as well as their coming out in a very rushed 8.0) could still use some TLC on the animations department. The rigs are fine, but they all move a bit stiff still (the consequences of likely using Cata Rig Goblin animations on an updated Goblin rig to save time).

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Worgen aren’t a canine race, they’re a human race that is cursed. They are an abomination that must be eradicated from the face of Azeroth. Fear the “furry” of the Vulpera! :fox_face::crossed_swords:


We shall settle this with a cuddle contest. Cuddliest wins!


Why is it that someone thinks it will make a difference, when the horde has a new race, and alliance a recycled race instead of also receiving a new race, the time in which they will be confirmed?

LOL! Ok then!

Apply more morphine, doc!

People take time, to accept that they will lose a leg, an arm or something that shatters their dreams and hopes!

All that causes disappointment, is healed with time!
Over time, the ostracism that permeates the alliance will be something welcome!

A walking, frozen dog corpse versus a fluffy fox. The winner is obvious

(it’s the dog)

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LOL! Sure! Especially when they see that the horde has gotten a new race and the alliance got another recolor, when it should be something new as made for Horde!

Alliance the compromisse and recolor faction!
From fat kultirans to tall Vrykuls!
Of Blood elves purple of the horde, because we can not let the lines between the factions be clouded!

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Well that’s an over-reaction if I ever heard one. You’d complain if alliance got high elves. No matter what alliance got you’d complain. Because you’ve convinced yourself there is horde bias and thus have constructed a narrative within your own mind to constantly validate that no matter what happens. Mechagnomes are Equal to Vulpera. Full stop. You really need to step out of your victim complex. Maybe actually play horde? And you’ll realise there certainly isn’t any horde Bias. If anything it feels like alliance Bias. Course playing alliance feels like horde bias. You’re supposed to feel like the underdog. But you realise if you play both factions that both have some things they get, and others they don’t.


Both Mechagnomes and Vulpera are new races. It’s not a recolour. They have unique animations, and unique body parts. And a unique culture. It’s not like it’s regular gnomes with purple skin or something. Seriously grow up.

Yeah look at Nightborne. Incredibly disapointing. They have limited customisation and barely scratch the surface of the feeling that the npcs give.

Kul Tirans are tall too. Also calm your fatphobia. Are you 12?? Seriously. You seem like a pre-teen. If not… I am somewhat concerned for your mental well being.

So not getting carbon copy clone of a horde race is horde bias??? LOL… That’s… do you even see what you’re saying? If you got high elves instead of void elves you’d be complaining about how all you got was blue eyed elves while horde got a unique race. Nothing will satisfy you.


Vulpera will be way more successful than some people expect.

I’m betting on them being somewhere around nightborne’s success (which are still the #2 most populous allied race, thought I bet on Zandalari surpassing them in a few months).


Yeah, they fit a niche that other races don’t really fulfill the way people want them too. There’s still probability gonna be backlash (which I guess there was for every race) but I hope it doesn’t deter people from playing them. It’d be cool to see a race like vulpera and how people customize them.


No, junkgnomes are not created equal!
They will never be! they are something they have would be equal to gilgoblins!
To say that they are equal is nonsense!

Belly: 60 cm! Sure! Large bones!

When vulperas are on the horde, I will make 2 of them!
but it’s a shame that the alliance just continues to receive recolor and compromise, because it is always thought of last of all, or to continue the free laughter of horde!

How are Vulpera a new race and gilgoblins are not???

What does that have to do with their height??? Literally nothing. You’re just ab igot. You also have no way to know the exact numbers.

Play horde and you’ll realise VERY FAST that horde bias is a lie. Only people who think horde bias exists are people who play ally exclusively.

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Gonna have to disagree with you there.

How many horses did the Horde get again? :thinking:


The thing about this sentiment of “vulpera are new, mechagnomes are not” has nothing to do with being “new”, but general appeal. Vulpera appeal to a wider crowd than mechagnomes.

Kul tirans were “new” as well, but there’s not so much complain about the KT/Zandalari pair being unequal because Zandalari had greater appeal anyway.

Mechagnomes is a pretty niche race. And that’s not a problem by itself. The bigger problem is that Alliance has gotten way more niche races, so each new niche addition feels like a let down.