Vulpera Discussion Megathread (Part 1)

And I’m just reserving the bragging rights for totally calling it when it happens. :wink:


We’ll see … the thing is if they really are going to come out as a pair with Junker Gnomes; then they are bound to be the Goblins AR (and I’m not sure what to feel about that).

On the one hand (as much as I love Gobs) … there is a logic in placing an extremely popular potential AR as the LEAST played Core Race (where as … Gils would be a fragment of a fragment; and not the best use of assets). On the other hand (and this also applies to the Gils) … there is a serious issue when dealing with current Gob leadership. Both potential Gob ARs are ex-slave races; and the leader of the Bilgewater’s greatest legacy still is enslaving his own people on TWO exploding volcanoes for a small chance at short term profit (and their deaths).

Hmm … maybe this is just wishful thinking; but perhaps with Grizzek’s implication that Gazlowe is getting too involved in Gob politics lately; and his relevance in Mechagon that all but throws all neutrality out the window … perhaps its time to finish up the Lost Isles story finally and get a change in Cartel Leadership.


I think both Gils and Vulpera could be added! I know it’s a longshot, but the pairing would go like this:
Gilgoblins + Mechagnomes
Vulpera + Sethrak(Or Ankoans)

You never know!

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Hmm … I kind of doubt it (as awful as that is). Despite their appearances they both thematically bleed a little too much into one another (with them being both ex-slave races that we help free themselves; as well as a sort of savage innocence).

Though … I guess we’ll see soon enough. The defining moment for the Gils potential is almost exclusively defined by them sharing in the bounty of the updated Goblin rigs of 8.2.5. If we see no sign of such asset investment, they’re pretty screwed for the foreseeable future.

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This is kinda what i’m thinking might possibly happen… What if Blizzard waits until 9.0 to actually release the next set of 4 races, I know thats a very long time from now but Kul’tirans and Zandalari did take such a long time to release as well. I was kinda thinking… Maybe a set of 4 new allied races will appear and those will be Mechagnomes, Gilgoblins, Vulpera and whichever is paired with Vulpera.

But honestly if we get Vulpera at 8.2.5 i’d be exstatic. Either way, as long as we get Vulpera in the end…


There is no reason why Gliblins and Vulpera can’t be added and playable together. As I stated before, I would like to see Gilblins playable as well, and they are on my top 10 most wanted races. I know plenty of people who would be happy to see them playable, and I would definitely make a Gilblin if they become playable.

If somehow Gilblins don’t make it as one of the forthcoming allied races in the near future, I hope Gilblin supporters don’t get discouraged and will keep showing their support. This also goes for any fans of other races they want to get in. Keep showing support for the races you want playable. Remember, it’s better to be part of a marketing statistic than to be a silent outlier!


My issue with this is … they do at least seem to be setting it up to pair ONE AR with each one of the Core Races atm; even if that pair happens to end up on the opposing faction.

  • Humans = Kul Tirans
  • Night Elves = Nightborne (Horde)
  • Dwarves = Dark Irons
  • Draenei = Lightforged
  • Orcs = Mag’har
  • Tauren = Highmountain
  • Trolls = Zandalari
  • Blood Elves = Void Elves (Alliance)

By all indications, Gnomes and Goblins are next on the docket to get theirs (either in the form of Junker-Gnomes and Vulpera; or Junker-Gnomes and Gilblins). That really only leaves the Worgen and Forsaken ARs (and I REALLY cannot see the Vulpera ending up as the Worgen AR for any reason; on either side). Gut feeling tells me theirs are going to be pretty story intensive.

I would actually play a gnome if they could be druids with their own forms

Blizzard has explicitly stated that despite what the initial allied races are they’re called allied races not sub races for a reason. They don’t have to all be sub races. They’re just races allied to the horde and alliance. And each person in the emissary can potentially recruit them.

For example logically you’d think LF Draenei are the Draenei allied race? But they aren’t recruited by Velen they’re recruited by Turalyn.

I can see Gallywix recruiting the Vulepra though. Their debt means unpaied labour for the horde.

As for worgen and undead. My hopes are for Saberon and Preserved undead (not lightforged undead…)

Well … the “RACE” part wasn’t really what I was focusing on; its sort of the equal thing that seems to be going on. Each core race seems to be getting an AR of some kind, its the reason its so easy to justify the Junkers. Even if its the leaders of those factions that recruit them to the Alliance (where as its representatives actually bringing in other leaders to recruit for the Horde) … that ONE per CORE concept doesn’t seem to be breaking (nor, do I think it should for now). :smiley:

EDIT: Though, I am definitely not of the mind that I need to “collect-them-all” with PC races. I just don’t see the need for BOTH Vulpera and GIlGoblins since they seem to step on eachother’s conceptual toes a little bit too much to be worth it atm (if you look past their aesthetics).

Well I’ve always found nightborne and void elves very similar in background/theme, so maybe they could still work (though whether it’s preferable or not is a different matter). They’re both purple/blue rebel elves infused with a taboo magic that made them glowy and let them teleport things, that then became allied races to the faction opposite to their core race.

Well … perhaps that’s why its not so distracting; they ARE on different factions. By all indications both the little Goblin Rigs with Tails AND the little Goblin Rigs with Fins would end up on the Horde … making it potentially harder to ignore.

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I mean they dont’ share a model but the game makes it a point to compare nightborn and blood elves.

I think in this matter, Blizzard really weighs down that junkgnomes are comparable to vulperas!

So I hope more for something like leper gnomes for the alliance, and sethraks for the horde!

Gilgoblins to the Horde and alterac humans to the ally!

And more horses / griffons recolorized and some other locality of the destroyed alliance!


You got my vote now. I used to support High Elves for the Alliance but now in days I don’t care about them anymore. Vulpera for the Horde and Sethrak for the Alliance.


Vulpera Flame Keepers!

With Horde Dialogue!




(Body unclear, blah blah blah)

(wait, I don’t say “Blah blah blah”)


This is just great xD


I really wish I could update the front page. :confused:


Wasnt there a change where you can only edit a post a certain number of times? Maybe that is what happened :(?

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